Guess Who's Back!

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Oh. My. God!! I am amazed by the fact people are really reading this fanfic, I must be doing something right!! Thank you all very much, I feel flattered:) I am the weirdest person ever since I am actually looking forward for school... but that might have something to do with getting to see my friends and getting away from my siblings. Also at our school the internet is restricted and we can't watch any videos on it... that is until yours truly found a non restricted Anime sight!!! Yep... I can't wait to raid the library compys and watch anime without using my own megs... I AM AWESOME!! Well here comes the next chapter:) Oh and before I forget, I do not own any of these Anime, just this fan fiction :)

Last time on 'The Anime Smackdown': "My name is Shiemi Miriama, and this is Rin Okumara, we came from academy town and are exorsists in training." The girl named Shiemi answered. "We were sucked into a vortex of blue flames and the next thing we new we were here, you have to believe me, I'm telling you the truth!" Erza sighed, "It's okay, I believe you, just stay here, I will be back soon."

Every one was now looking at the purple magic circle, as 7 individuals exited it.

InuYasha pov

"Hurry up!" InuYasha said aloud to himself. Kagome was late and he was getting annoyed. "That's it, I'm going after her." He said and quick as a stick he was jumping down the well. Little did he know that Shippo was hiding in a very bad smelling tree...

"Ahhh.." Kagome started,  "What a nice bath," She stood up and begun existing the tub, she walked to the towel rack, grabbed hers and dried herself. She then got changed and went to her bedroom.

All of a sudden, Kagome heard her brother calling for her. She got up and headed to the dinning room, thinking she had been called for dinner. When she arrived Kagome knew why she had been called. "InuYasha, what are you doing here?" she asked, dreading the answer. "To take you back, of course," he answered like it was nothing, looking up, "Your late." Sighing, the reincarnated priestess replied; "Fine, just let me pa.." Before she could finish, her mum yelled  "Dinner!" Everybody crowded around the table, including InuYasha, you see, he was told to sit every time, so he didn't bother waiting any more.

After every one finished eating Kagome went over to do the dishes but her Mum stopped her. "Don't worry Kagome," she said, "I'll do the dishes, you go and get ready." She smiled. "Okay, thank you Mum." She said, smiling greatfully, before wandering to her room to get ready.

She packed her text books, clothing, food and other things she thought necessary. She then walked to the well with InuYasha, said goodbye to her family, and jumped through the well.

When they landed on the other side of the well they were quite surprised to see Shippo waiting. "Kagome, you're back!" Shippo called excitedly. He then ran over and gave her a hug. "Wait a minute... how did you know we were coming back, I didn't tell anyone that I was going through the well.." InuYasha said, slowly getting angry, "You see," Started Shippo "Yes," said InuYasha, getting impatient, "Well," Shippo tried again just before InuYasha hit him on the head.

When they got back to the village they went straight to Lady Kaede's house. When they arrived they were greeted by Miroku, Songo, Kirara and Lady Kaede herself, and within seconds every one began radding Kagome's bag for 'ninja food'.

In the end they came up with: potato chips, lollipops, two minute nodules and biscuits. "Thanks so much Kagoma!" Songo complements, "This is so good!" Shippo said while sucking on a lollipop. Everybody was enjoying the food and talking when out of nowhere Sessomaru, Joken and Rin all appeared in the room!

Joken started freaking out as Rin was holding Sessomaru's hand. Every one else looked back in shock, quite confused as of what Sessomaru was up to, but he to had the slightest glimmer of confusion in his eyes, and that's when it happened... a giant purple portal opened up!

"What's going on, my Lord?!" Joken yelled as he watched his master's brother and brother's companions get sucked inside, though Sessomaru was able to hold on for many minutes soon he two was sucked inside, his fur clothing his two companions...

"Where are we?" Kagome asked rubbing her head and behind. "I don't know." Answered Miroku as he looked around. Next to them was a large ship with a lot of strange looking people on it (possibly demons) and a group of students. In front of them was a large building with the words, 'Fairy Tail' on it with a lot of people standing in front of it, and a red headed women in a white shirt, a blue skirt and a plate armour over her shirt, and she was walking towards them.

All of a sudden Sessomaru came through the portal."What the heck!!" InuYasha yelled as he watched his brother, Joken and that little human girl who was always near Sessomaru come through the portal...

Next time on the 'Anime Smackdown': Erza began walking to the people who emerged from the next magic circle and again began to interrogate the new comers. She tries to go back to the strange pirate ship when she hears a curtain salamander screaming something about a magic circle. She comes imminently to see what happened but soon becomes just as confused, A fight brakes out but soon ends as yet another magic circle opens up...

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now