Where we Staying?

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Last time, on 'The Anime Smackdown': All at once, Makarov called out to the many guild mates who had still yet to test fate and enter there beloved guild hall. "Every one! With what's now happened, staying out there is pointless, so come in and meet our visitors!" Behind him, Natsu lost it laughing, and before anyone knew it every one had joined in. Minus a few individuals that had disappeared a while ago, ie. Sessomaru (with Joken, obviously) and Zoro...

Finally, after a fair bit of laughter, it had once again calmed. "Every one, let's finally sort out what we're going to do!" The master shouted out, and every one filed in (away from a certain rubbled wall...) and the meeting for a place to stay finally got started fully...

~Fairy Tail pov~

After a couple of minutes, every one was finally in the non-destroyed corner of guild. "Okay!" Called the master, happy with the way every one was spread. "Sorry my children, our guests are already introduced, so if you would like to know more about them, you can ask after this meeting! Okay, as I'm sure you'll already be aware, people from different places have some how ended up here, and we need to get them back home. However, in the mean time, they need a place to stay, and unfortunately, they can't all stay at the guild hall." He paused, and looked towards Levy. "Any suggestions?"

Every one stopped, waiting for someone to say something, when finally a strange man (likely another perv...) stood up. "Yeah, bro I've got one." He said to the master. "If you can get that ship out there on the water we'll stay there, that'll save you some time, right? Heck, we even have a little extra space if ya need it." He explained coolly.

"What?!" Nami yelled at him. "I'm sorry, we're on land, I simply can't stay cooped up in there any longer, Franky!" She whined. "Well, every one else can, and you can find somewhere else." The now identified Franky stated, clearly annoyed.

"Well," The master interrupted. "I think that's a great idea! That could also save a lot of time."Suddenly Natsu stood up. "I know where there's room!" He yelled unnecessary loud.

"Lucy just got her apartment building made bigger, so she has way more room and a new bedroom! Everyone can stay there!" He continued chirpyly, causing Erza to pipe in. "That's a great idea, Natsu." She said, eating a strawberry cake Mira had given her. "I've got to emit, for someone as dumb as you, that's a pretty good idea." Gray continued on. "Of course it was! Because I said it!" Happy attempted to steal the idea.

As all of this continued, Lucy seemed to be getting more and more angry. Until finally, she lost it. "Would you idiots just shut up!" She shouted, hitting all but Erza (for obvious reasons...). "There is no way that I am letting all of these people, who I don't even know, in my house! Besides, there would only be enough room for three!" She finished ranting at the group.

"Wow... Lucy's really angry..." Happy mumbled to himself. Obviously, Natsu would have heard, however, somehow, so did Lucy, and of course, that isn't a good thing... "Damn right I'm angry! You're trying to sell out my house!" She came back.

For some reason, Nami was listening to this conversation. "You guys should leave her alone already! I know I'd be the exact same, it's her home!" She suddenly went off at them. "Thank you! At least some one gets it!" Lucy basically cried out with happiness. "What's your name?" She then asked. "Nami. Your... Lucy, right?"

The two began to talk, as Happy, and the rest of team Natsu wandered off, scared of Lucy's wrath, except Erza, who was simply getting more cake. Every one else in the hall, not from the guild, was completely awe-struck.

Luffy sat, watching his navigator talk to the blonde haired woman, as they slowly walked to the... well, destroyed part of the guild hall. "Hey, Robin... What were you talking about with Ace before?" He asked Robin out of the blue. In response, she giggled, before saying; "Nothing you'd understand, Captain." As soon as the words left her mouth, she began walking towards Nami and Lucy, leaving the young pirate captain to think about what had happened right before leaving Thriller Bark.

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now