The Fire Dragon

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Last time on the 'Anime Smackdown': In front of them was a large building with the words 'Fairy Tail' written on it and a large amount of people standing in front of them and a red headed women in a white shirt, a blue skirt and a plate armour over her shirt... coming towards them? All of a sudden Sessomaru came through the portal. "What the heck!" InuYasha yelled as he watched his brother, Joken and that little human girl who was always near Sessomaru come through the portal...

Fairy Tail Pov: The purple magic circle

Every one stirred at the purple magic circle and looked at the strange people who just exited it, as Erza paced towards them. Just as she was in front of the strange group 3 more people exited the magic circle and it shut. Suddenly the man with the dog ears and white hair loudly called, "What the heck?!"

That's when Erza started to speak. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The strange looking monk answered. "Hello, we are but weary travellers who, in no fault of our own, were sucked into a large purple portal and ended up... wait, what a beauty..." He leaned down and grabbed her hands in his before looking up, "Would you be willing to bear my children?" Erza wasted less than a second to slap him that hard in the face that he kept on flying until he had passed through 3 buildings and was knocked out.

"Sorry about him." An older girl with long brown hair and a traditional kimono on said. "My name is Songo and we would all love to know what we're doing here." She said while starring at the unconscientious monk. "My name is Erza and we are in Magnolia." Erza answered with a small smile.

Erza was just beginning to go back to her fellow guild members to inform them about the small amount of information she had quickly gathered from the strange people, when she heard something... a loud shout from someone, though she couldn't here the entire thing she did hear this: "Would you ------- off me and stop -------- flames already!" As soon as it was said the entire guild started looking for Natsu, Lucy and Happy...

Fairy Tail pov: pirate ship

"What are you doing?" Lucy asked Natsu as he grabbed her hand and began pulling her towards the pirate ship, Happy following above. "We're exploring, of course," He said as he continued pulling her along. "And why does this include me?" Lucy tried again, "Because it'll be fun!" He answered, "Common Luce, please?" Natsu started to plead. "Fine." She said, and sped up to his pace.

When they got to the ship Lucy looked at how high up the deck was. "So what's the plan on getting up there?" She asked the smiling Natsu. "Climb of course!" He answered happily. So Natsu started climbing the ship, with Lucy close behind.

When they finally reached the top Happy was sitting on the ledge of the ship, starring at the people looking over the edge of the ship it self (not noticing them at the end of the ship). Happy pointed at a lump of a person on the ground behind the group and whispered his loud whisper to Natsu, "Is he... DEAD?!" He whispered to the flame Dragon Slayer. "I think he might be!" Natsu whispered back. Lucy automatically banged there heads together and said, in a plan tone,"If he is dead, then why is he breathing?" Immediately they both pulled an extremely confused face, raising their fingers, and dropping them as they realised she was right.

Slowly but surely, Natsu began sneaking over to him, with an ever nervous Lucy waiting by the rails. Natsu was nearly there when he suddenly woke up! "Ahh! What a nice nap," The young looking man with curly black hair and freckles said, but as soon as he saw Natsu and Happy he started... Making flames on his fingers?

Natsu suddenly jumped him and started eating the flames! "Would you just get off me and stop eating my flames already!" The man screamed as Natsu ate more and jumped off. "Those are some good flames!" He yelled.

By this time, every one on the ship was watching. The man who was wearing the straw hat had a huge grin on his face as he laughed and laughed at the sight before him as he sat crossed legged on deck.

Suddenly a man in a suit-like outfit came to Lucy. "What is such a lovely looking lady, such as yourself, doing on a pirate ship?" The man asked. Lucy, throne back form the comment from the gentle man like person in front of her, shook her head, "Sorry, what did you say your name was?" Lucy asked.

The man suddenly didn't look so gentleman-like as a large, and slightly scary, smile emerged on his face. "Saaanjiiiii~!" The man sang. "Does the beautiful woman have a naaammme?" He once again sang. "Umm, yes..." She started, "My name's Lucy," She answered simply. The man known as Sanji's pupils became the colour pink as they quickly turned into hearts and filled in the rest of his eyes as he started doing some kind of wiggling, noodle dance thing with his body, "Luuuccccyyy~ chwannnn!" He sung as he continued what must people refer to as 'swooning'.

That's when it happened... Erza boarded the ship! As soon as 'Sanji' saw her he stopped swooning and started walking towards her, but before he could make it to her she was in front of Natsu and the man creating the flames...

Next time on the 'Anime Smackdown': As Erza finished beating the living daylights out of Natsu and 'flame boy' she began questioning the guy that made the flames without a magic circle. Soon all the fairy tail guild members are mingling with the new people as a new magic circle opens up...

Hello!! I know Ace really doesn't act like that but I just felt the need to do that!! I would really appreciate if you comment on what I should do cause I'll be blunt, the only thing I suck at is writing and spelling. Thank you a lot for reading, it means a lot YOU ARE AWESOME!!! ^ω^ oh and I will make the chapters longer:D

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