Zoro's Adventures

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Last time, on 'The Anime Smackdown': Everyone looked at the skeleton. Everyone shocked. "Then why didn't you get him?!" All but Robin screamed at him. "This is really bad, guys..." Usopp mumbled. "You d-don't think... he's lost, do you?" All the crew could do was stare, as they all knew it to be too late. Zoro... was lost...

~Zoro pov~

One moment I'm following Luffy to that building, and the next I'm hanging off the back of a train! That's it! I'm getting really sick of the crew getting me lost by going the wrong way.

I had been holding on since it started coming at me, when I tried to cross some weird track. That was about 20 minutes by now, and I was getting really bored. I was considering jumping, when it started to slow. I waited until it had nearly stopped moving, before jumping.

The place I had landed seemed pretty busy, and there were a lot of people. "Just great..." I mumbled. Unsure of what to do, I decided to go for a walk. For some reason, I felt a shiver run up my back, just as I managed to exit the station.

After passing lots of buildings, I ended up at a dark alleyway. "Great." I mumbled. How did I end up here! Suddenly, there was a high pitched scream. I ran to the end of the alleyway way, towards the noise. Just to the side of it was a small pocket, with 6 large men surrounding one woman.

"Oy!" I called out, annoyed. They immediately turned to face me, obviously ready for a fight. "Well, would you look what we have here?" A particularly fat man spoke, stepping forward. Following his motion, the other men also came forward, most of them smirking. "Now!" He yelled, and 3 of the men ran forward. A sword suddenly appeared in one of the men's hands. Slightly surprised, I drew 2 of my treasured Katana, before cutting them down quickly.

Intimidated, the fat man and one other ran away, leaving a slightly scrawny guy. For some reason, he looked really confident. For some reason, the guy started laughing. Idiot, I thought, watching him. Suddenly, the man ducked down, putting his hands into some kind of sign. "Snow make, ravens!" He shouted, before I saw some weird white birds coming towards me. "Shit!" I s surprised. Is he a devil fruit user?!

I decided not to let it bother me, and dodged them all, before using the back of my blade to slice him down. No point in killing him, not like he was a threat.

"Well now that's over..." I mumbled. "Where am I?" I thought aloud. Damn, this time it really was my fault. I decided to go back the way I came, only... HOW DID I END UP AT ANOTHER DEAD END?!

After 20 minutes, I finally made it out of that... maze. Who the hell puts walls in random places, anyway? Well, I was now just walking straight with the water... though I really didn't know how there was a port in the middle of this maze-thing.

Suddenly, I heard a loud scream, coming from the water. I looked in, seeing a kid that was struggling to stay above the water. Without hesitating, I dived in, and began swimming in his direction.

Raising my head for a breath when I was about half way, I looked around, but for some reason, the kid was now in the opposite direction, away from me. This time, I kept my eyes on him as I dived, to make sure he wasn't drifting. I called out as I finally got to him. "Oy! Kid, you alright?!" I pulled him onto my back, before he started coughing.

I swam as fast as I could to the side, before pulling him up to the ledge. "I said... are you alright?!" I yelled at the boy. I mean, he did ignore me. Looking around, I realized we were now on the other side of the port. "Arh!" The kid screamed. How annoying... I thought, irritated by the boy.

"I thought I was doomed!" He said. "Thanks for the help!" This boy has a really girly voice... I thought while he continued talking. "I'm Mia, by the way!" He finally finished. "Wait, you're a girl?!" I realised when he... um, she, said her name. "Wasn't that obvious?!" Mia came back angrily. "So. What's. Your. Name?!" She shouted, separating her words. "Zoro, so can you just calm down?!" I finally yelled back. "Nice to meet you!" She said with a childish smile, putting her hand out.

Anime Smackdown(a Bleach, One Piece, InuYasha, Fairy Tail and Blue Exorcist FF)Where stories live. Discover now