ch1.The beginning

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(The pic up top is what (y/n) will look like but you can change her hair eyes and outfit too. Anyway hope you all enjoy)

Hello my name is (y/n) (l/n). I am a college senior, 20 years old, and a huge secret pervert and anime fan. My favorite anime of all time it RWBY with the characters, weapons, and story.

I am right now in the library getting some books for the assignment for my history class, my most hated subject, it's not because I hate history itself but because my professor hates me. She thinks that just because I got to get into a higher class early she thinks that I am full of myself and makes it hard to get a high grade.

(Y/n): *sigh* I wish I could get a different history professor or at least find a way to make her less of a bitch.

I found my last book needed and was about to head to my next class but I then hear something. I follow the noise and the closer I get the more I realize what the noise sounds like.

I follow it and the noise slowly turns to lewd moaning but only a girls. I get closer and closer till it sounds like I'm directly on top of the noise. I look around as it dies down some but as I look at the shelf the noise picks up.

I start to move my hand over the books and it gets louder but then softer. I move my hand back to the point it was louder and find a weird notebook. I grab it and pull it out and the noise stops completely.

I open the book and it looks normal but then I see something written on the first page.

"Hello new owner. You have just found the notebook. With this book you have the ability to change anything you'd like about the laws of the world to fit anything you'd like. I hope you have fun also a word of advice. Make sure you use pencil as you wouldn't want to regret your decision.

The notebook works as followed: People will treat Old Rules casually, like they've been around forever. The world will even change to accommodate Old Rules as you write them. On the other hand, New Rules only go into effect once you've written them down. People will still follow them, but they may express nervousness, embarrassment, excitement, or other emotions about them."

I look at it with a look that says "this is stupid." I am then pulled from my thoughts by the bell ringing telling me that I have to go to history next. I put the notebook into my bag and leave.

Time skip

I make it to class just in time and the history professor comes in. Her name is Samantha and she is a 40 something woman with a decent body and wearing a modest skirt and black blouse.

I go to pull out my notebook for this class but I pull out the notebook. I put it on my desk and start to think about how this is a stupid joke. "Change anything to fit anything I liked." I then shrugged my shoulders and decided to give it a try.

I like at samantha and decided to use her as a test subject first.

"Old rule: female college professors are required to work with their boobs out."

I close the book and look up and I see samantha with nothing covering her decent sized breasts. Her pink nipples are fully out for everyone to see and nobody but myself seems to notice that. I open the book and erase what I wrote and she gets her blouse back.

I am now shocked that this thing actually works. My face starts to flush red from the perverted stuff I could do with this book now.

Samantha: (l/n)! Are you paying attention!?

She asks me as I'm brought out of my perverted thoughts.

(Y/n): I'm sorry ma'am but I'm not feeling so well. Can I go to the nurse?

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