ch2. fun before school

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I just wanted to say before I start that I am glad people are liking my story. I was worried that not many people will want to read a book like this. Anyway I'll stop rambling and get to the store. Please leave a comment if there is anything you'd like to see too.

I woke up from a great sleep which I didn't like because I was dreaming I found a book that allowed me to change everything and I was in the rwby world but only a futa world.

I looked around to see that it wasn't a dream and I got super excited about today as now I will start my new life servicing futas. Just the thought of it is getting me all wet. I go to the bathroom to clean myself up and forgo clothes since what's the point really.

After that I get some breakfast and decided to watch the news. It didn't seem much was happening but all news channels were talking about the only female finally appearing and replaying the interview I had with lisa lavender yesterday.

After I got done eating I was wondering if I should make Salem into something special as I have seen many pics of her with 2 bitch breakers of cocks. I might give her 2 later but for now I won't touch the notebook unless I have to or till I'm at beacon.

I am looking forward to hanging out with the main characters. The news then shows some rallies of faunus rights and I hate seeing people mistreated just because of some extra features. I can change it but it will feel better if it's earned. I have a idea to show I care for faunus equally but I'll go that the past 2 days before I go to beacon.

(Y/n): well I think I'll head to the mall now. Have to see if the box is ready and have the owner get her deal.

Time skip

I am now at the mall and heading to the center where the box is being built. When I got there I see a small box that's 3'8" tall and 2' long with the hole in the middle. There are also handles on the top and side which allows the futas to go harder and a picture of myself on top so they can see my face.

I smile at the box and go up to it to look inside and it looks cozy with a bench even with the hole so I can lay on it instead of have my legs hold me. I also see some water in here too so I know it will be a long ride.

I see megan coming up to me.

(Y/n): hello megan. Hope you are as excited as I am.

I am smiling so much that it could put alastors to shame. I see megan nod her head and I think I have an idea to make this a easier and more enjoyable experience for everyone.

(Y/n): hey megan do you have a number dispenser that you can use so that everyone doesn't have to wait for their turn you can just use the speakers to call them when one person is done?

I ask and she thinks about it and radios someone to bring the item which they do. She puts it in front of the section for the entrance. I see that it's almost time so I get in and get situated in the box.

The next thing I know once I'm comfortable is a hard wolf cock shoved into my tight pussy and starts to go hard and fast while I feel her knot trying to force itself in me. I figured it's probably megan as she gets to go first.

I then feel a slap on my tiny ass and I moan as I clamp onto her cock but it does little to stop her rough onslaught on my pussy. As I feel another smack I feel her knot enter and pull out then continue the process so much I lost count. After what seemed like an hour of intense pleasure but was only 10 minutes I feel her push her cock into me and it swell up locking her into place as I feel her hot sticky load coat my womb.

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