Operation Trick Toga

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Narrator: So as Toga leaves KiriKami are doing other things.  

Denki: K-Kiri I-I...

*Kiri gets off Denki and runs to the door* 

Kirishima: Is she gone? *checks door* 

Denki: W-who?

Kirishima: Toga! oh thank god shes gone. *whew* 

Denki: Toga? Why would she be here? Also, WHY DID YOU DO THAT BRO?!! NOT COOL. 

Kirishima: I'm so so sorry Denki I had to, to trick trick her.

Denki: Why? Also, you could've told me. -_- instead of surprising me and make me feel butterflies dam*it. 

Kirshima: I'm sorry I couldn't it had to be believable to trick her. Also, butterflies? Denki?

Denki: HAHA i'm kidding you made me blush that it. You know I love shinsou with all my heart. 

Kirisima:  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°  awww Denki's in love. 

Denki: Whatever. Anyways, What happen to Bakugo he's not HERE IS HE? I'M SORRY MAN KIRI STARTED IT. T_T

Kirishima: He's not here. he's with Deku, Todoroki, and....the L.O.V.

Denki: THE L.O.V!! We have to save them!!

Kirishima: We have to trick Toga first. They Turned Deku into a villain, We have to free him from that first. 

Denki: Trick Toga? YOU MEAN INTO BELIEVING WE'RE TOGETHER!!!!??? What about Bakugo?

Kirishima: *starts crying* We-we broke up. 

Denki: Oh...i-i'm sorry bro.

Kirishima: KIDDING. I had to make them believe I didn't care for bakubabe so I could leave and come up with a plan. 

Denki: I see and that plan Involves me?

Kirishima: Well actually all the guys of Class 1A(except mineta i just can't) and you have to get the girls. 

Denki: WHY!?!?! You know shinsou is gonna beat my a** for this?

Kirishima: and bakubabe is gonna do it to me too especially when he finds  out I fake broke up with him 

Denki: True BUT doesn't Toga and the rest of 1A know that you have Bakugo

Kirishima:  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°  That's why I said I get the guys and you get the girls. Apparently everyone knows you're Bi. 

Denki: SERIOUSLY!?!? I thought me and Shinsou we're slick. ugh whatever fine. But what do I do about Shinsou? Also, aren't me and you apparently together according to Toga?

Kirishima: Well yes...but we're gonna be "dating" the rest of 1A without knowing that we both are. and Toga has something to do instead of keeping an eye on me. 

Denki: AHHHH ok. I guess it makes sense. but i dont have to...you know? with anyone. right?

Kirishima: NO OF COURSE NOT. Just do what I did with you like 10mins ago and explain what's going on and we'll all meet at my house in the basement where toga wont hear just in case she's spying. So basically I'm gonna invite every 1A boy to my house the same day and....

Denki: OR. You can do that with the guys and I can invite the girls privately to a party at your place and say that me and you are throwing a party to celebrate me and you being together before you do that with the guys? how's that sound?

Kirishima: Alright that's fine too. Luckily my parents are out right now so they wont question us. 

Denki: But wait again what do I do with shinsou? #1 and #2 how do I invite the girls to the party without Toga knowing?

Kirishima: Invite 1 each day to Study and invite them. And back to your Shinsou question. He is part of 1A now so....

Denki: *faints* 

Kirishima: oh god I think I killed him. 

Narrator: So the (super complicated and complex) plan is in motion Toga wont suspect a thing. 

Toga: Suspect what.

Narrator: AH TOGA!!! N-NOTHING. Goodbye toga.

Toga: ugh fine baaiii. 

Narrator: So the plan is in motion and Operation save Boom boom boy and Tododeku is in motion. 

Plus Ultra : A TodoDeku love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora