The Mysterious Chemical

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DISCLAIMER: There maybe some parts a bit 13+ just depends on what you read or watch. Also, the picture above is from Sweet Thoughts on Wattpad. I suggest you read that story as well it is A-Mazing! Enjoy
"The Mysterious Chemical!!"

Narrator: As Deku and Kirishima were running to recorvery girl's office Todoroki and Bakugou were almost coming to but were still unconscious. What will become of these two? 

Deku: TODOROKI!!!! *busts threw door* where is Todoroki!?!? 

AllMIGHT: Young Midoriya you must calm down. Young Todoroki is ok. He is Just sleeping. 

Kirishima: And BakuBro Where is he?? 

Recovery Girl: They're both right over there *points to their beds* 

Deku: *falls to his knees by todoroki's bedside* Todoroki-kun i'm so sorry I should've gone with you and Kacchan outside I should've been there *hugs and crying on Todoroki* 

Kirishima: Bakubro come on your strong *interlocking fingers with Bakugou* wake up P-please I love you *Kisses of forehead* *starts to cry* 

*2 minutes later* *deku & kirishima stayed in the same place but Recovery Girl and ALLMIGHT went outside to give them space* 

Todoroki: *groggily* M-midoriya? 

Deku: T-Todoroki? 

Todoroki: What are you doing here? 

Deku: You're AWAKE!! *bear hug* 

Todoroki: *winces* ah.

Deku: Oh my god i'm so sorry todoroki-kun. I didn't mean to hurt you. 

Todoroki: Hey Midoriya it's ok*caresses cheek* *and smiles*

Bakugou: Jesus what is going on with all the screaming?! 

Kirishima: Bakubro you're awake *immediately jumps on bakugou and kisses him* 

Bakugou: *Mmmmm* Sharky what's wrong? 

Kirshima: I-I thought you were gonna die. I love you Bakugou don't fight villains alone. I want to be by your side fighting if something bad happens. 

Bakugou: I'm sorry sh****y hair. I won't fight villains alone. 

*Looks the side and sees Deku* 

Bakugou: WHAT THE HELL!?!? How Long have you been there nerd?!!

Deku: Long enough to see how much you care about Kirishima *smirk* 

Bakugou: OH YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT NERD!!! *starts to explode* 

Kirishima: He already knew about us just let it slide bakubabe

Bakugou: FINE!! but only cause of Sh****Y hair. *looks lovingly at Kirishima* 

Todoroki: ANYWAYS, what happened? my memory is groggy 

Deku: well you and Kacchan were fighting a villain but he didn't have a name and it was hard to descibe him you said. 

Todoroki: Oh!! I remember now!!! he also threw a chemical at us and said "don't worry i'm doing you a favor." I'm not sure what he means though. 

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