The Secret attack of The League Of Villains and the No Name Villain Pt. 1

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 Narrator: Just  when everything is going well the league of villains show up and the no named villain. (be careful you guys T-T) 

Deku: S-so Todoroki-kun *shyly* are we gonna tell our friends? 

Todoroki: *semi-lets deku go from hug* well lets give it a bit and lets settle a bit and then we'll tell them. ok? *kisses lips and then neck* 

Deku: *mmm* Ok. Todoroki-kun class is almost starting lets get ready. 

Todoroki: Ok. *kisses forehead* 

Narrator: Meanwhile with KiriBaku...

Bakugou: Hey sh***y hair? 


Bakugou: *smirk* i know but i like to tease *kisses cheek* 

Kirishima: *blush and puts hand behind head* anyways, whats up bakubabe?

Bakugou: what if we were to get an apartment together since we're about to leave these dinky dorms anyways. *grabs waist and puts arms around neck*

Kirishima: wellll.....*super high pitched voice* Ok. That sounds amazing I can't wait to graduate. 

Bakugou: Me neither shitty hair. *tries to kiss lips* 

Kirishima: *feeling super teasy* *Pulls away and walks out of the room* Bye Explosion boy

Bakugou: *Blushes and goes behind Kirishima and pushes to the wall in the hall *smirks* sh***y hair *kisses lips*

Kirishima: *mmmm* Explosion Boy! Let's go we'll be late

Bakugou: UGH!! FINE!! *kisses cheek* *and interlocks fingers with Kirishima*

Deku: So Todoroki-Kun have you felt different ever since that Villain attacked you and Kacchan?

Todoroki: Now that you mention it just a little bit. *sees a weird student COMPLETLY dressed in black* huh?
Hey Midoriya I'll catch up ok?

Deku: ok? What's wrong?

Todoroki: Nothing I just need to check something. Kay? *looks around to see No one and kisses Deku on his cheek*

Deku: *frazzled* O-ok Todoroki-Kun.

Narrator: As Todoroki goes to the front of UA he feels a similar
But weird feeling.

Todoroki: who's here show yourself *activates fire quirk*

Villain: hehe Handsome how dare you speak that way to me?

Todoroki: it's you. *shoots fire*

Dabi: *throws his and blocks* hehe.

Todoroki: What the HELL?!?!

Shigiraki: *comes from behind dabi*
You're all alone I was sure that green haired kid was gonna come with you darn I guess we're gonna have to hunt him down. "TOGA or should I say TODOROKI!!!" appear Now!!

Toga: Hey!

Todoroki: *gasps with wide eyes* how dare you don't you dare go towards Midoriya!!!

Toga: Don't you mean OUR BF!?

Todoroki: he's MINE!! *Throws ice at toga who is trapped in his ice quirk*

Toga: Dabi COME help ME!!!

Dabi: Fine!! *releases from ice prison* now go!!

Toga: with pleasure!! Hahaha

Todoroki: Midoriya!!! No!!

Shigiraki: *starts to get close to Todoroki* oh don't worry we don't want you we want you meek boyfriend so we're gonna take you so he can come to us.

Todoroki: it's not gonna work

Shigiraki: Oh really? Cutid!!

Cutid: with pleasure *throws a sleeping chemical on todoroki*

Todoroki: Mi-do-ri-ya. Ah. *faints and sleeps*

Bakugou: Sh***y hair-? WHAT THE HELL ICYHOT!!!

Kirishima: is that the villain?

Bakugou: yeah but they're taking Icy Hot with them!!!

KiriBaku: IcyHo-Todoroki!! *jump after him but it's to late*

Narrator: and with that they took
Todoroki and left without Toga to trick Deku. What will become of
Todoroki and Deku after this delema? Who knows? (T-T!ahhhh)

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