Time ticks on

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P.s. Title my rena knowles.
Narrator: And so fastforward (cause i'm lazy lol) to the party at Kiri's house. All of the boys of Class 1A are there including the girls all wondering why the class 1A boys are all over Kiri and why the party is in Kiris basement. 5mins goes by and Mina breaks the Ice.

mina: So does anyone wanna tell me why we're in a F#&#ING BASEMENT!!!!

Tsuyu: *ribbit* yeah and why every boy in 1A is over Kiri *ribbit*?

1A boys: WE ARE NOT!!!!

Denki: *emerges from the shadows* I can answer that.

Class 1A boys: DENKI????!!! *all of them back away from kiri*

Tenya: you did not inform us Denki was gonna be here.

kiri: well this is a party to tell you all about us dating. But its not at the same time first Jirou can you check to make sure you know who isn't around?

Jirou: of course.

Everyone: JIROU?! WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!!?

*Flashback to a week ago/ recap of what happened*

Kiri and Denki: Jirou we have a situation and we need your help only us shinsou and now you will know but you have to keep it under wraps until the party not even momo can know.

Jirou: oh ok. It's that's serious. Alr shoot.

Denki: since you know better than me you tell it alr kiri:

kiri: alr. So, you know that day that Deku and Todoroki were attacked? Right?

Jirou: of course, everyone knows about it.

Kiri: alr. so, deku decided to go off on his own to save todoroki cause he was kidnapped and me and bakugo decided to go help and save them but we ended making things worse. And all three of us got kidnapped but they released me cause i made them believe that i broke up with bakugo cause of his backstory that they showed me. I was angry but I would never break up with him cause thatwas the old him. Yes it was wrong but he has changed. The moment he gets home i'm going to love him like I haven't before.

Denki: *clear throat* you're going off track bro.

Kiri: oh sorry. Anyways, they let me go but they didn't send me alone. They sent Toga as todoroki instead of todoroki himself.

Jirou: wait Toga is here in place of todoroki? Oh she's going down.

kiri: I know. She's going to pay for what she's done to my little Pomeranian.

Jirou and denki:😏😏

kiri: shut up. Anyways, long story short toga thinks that now me and denki are dating. And she sent a video of us together to show bakugo i don't love him anymore. And since then she's laided off. But now to actually sell it i have to "pretend to date" every boy in class 1A to pretend that i'm cheating on Denki so she could be focused on the love triangle while Denki and shinsou creep around trying to get the rest of Class 1A without her knowledge to a party at my house. We're gonna give her an invite but not to my house to a different location. And at the party is where you come in. Before we tell everyone you need to check that we were not followed or if anyone is around.

Jirou: 1. That is really complicated. And 2. I guess i can do that. When are we striking?

Kiri: we have to come up with a solid plan so we're still waiting.

Jirou: But what about Deku, and todoroki and Baku-

kiri: i know but we can't risk the L.O.V. Hurting them more. So until we come up with a solid plan. We're just letting everyone know and staying put.


irou: fine.

*end of flashback*

jirou: ok we're secured.

Denki: So here's the story.

Narrator: And so Denki tells everyone what's been going on and now everyone is on board. And everyone tells them that this was an overly complicated plan-

kiri and denki: IT WAS ALL WE HAD!!! Lay off ᕙ(•̀‸•́‶)ᕗ 。゚ヽ(゚'Д'゚)ノ゚。

but understandable. Now this party has turned into a rescue mission. Will class 1A succeed?

Note from Narrator: i'm so sorry i was gone for so long 。゜゚(>ヘ<)゚ ゜。 i had serious writers block. But i'm back
⌒°(ᴖ◡ᴖ)°⌒ i hope you guys are excited😄i'm officially back!!!

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