The Secret attack of The League Of Villains and the No Name Villain pt. 2

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Narrator: And so Deku became a villain unknowingly and he was crazed. It was like he was in a trance and Todoroki didn't even know his boyfriend anymore. Will he be able to save him? And where are KiriBakugo?

Bakugo: Ok!! What the hell are we still waiting for Shitty hair!?!?

Kirishima: *sigh* Mido-bro is a villain. And I know we manly but Mido-bro is just as strong as us. I think we need more back up.

Bakugo: And I THINK!!! We should just ATTACKKKKKKK!! *Explodes the door*

Shigiraki: *gruffly* well, well, well. NEW RECRUIT!! we have someone who wants to see you.

*out of the darkness comes Deku*

Deku: WELL..hehe hello *menacing* Kacchan.

*Kacchan open eyes and gasps*

Bakugo: D-Deku?

Narrator: And so Deku is ready to cause some trouble and Bakugou is Shocked. Kirishima Well I let him tell you Kirishima: this F***ing idiot I told him we had to get the pros to help but Noo Bakugo: KIRISHIMA!!!
well there you go. How Will Deku be released? Who will save Todoroki? And will Deku finally kill Bakugo?

*break: my readers I'm sorryyy T - T I didn't want to leave an open ending but it was for suspense. Don't worry Pt. 3 will come soon. For now I'm gonna do holiday specials and flashbacks before all of this cause it's the holidays: end of break*

Plus Ultra : A TodoDeku love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora