Chapter 2: A Thank You Would Suffice

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It was a hot morning here in Cebu. I don't know what else to do so I got my phone and started scrolling in Instagram. I saw that one of my classmates is in Oslob and have gone scuba diving. He even has a picture with a whale shark!

I should've wished for a travel vacation than buy a watch and 21 pairs of shoes.

I deeply breathed in the fresh air of the day and wondered if I can go to the nearest beach today. Our house is not that far from the sea. It's a fifteen minute drive if I would want to but I know my parents are overprotective of me. They would always have me go with a bodyguard or a driver at the very least.

"Being rich is not everything I guess." I mumbled as I rest my chin on the railings of the balcony.

While I was getting lost in my thoughts, I saw Dad walking around the yard with mister Reynaldo and Ezekiel. It's been a few days since I met him and I bet he's not that fun to be with.

Well at least that's my guess...

"Dad!" I called from the balcony and he immediately found me. "Dad can I go to the beach today?" I asked and his brows furrowed. "Please? I'm so bored here."

"Play with your PS4 instead Eero. It's too hot to go to the beach." he replied and I frowned.

"But Dad I want to go..." I whined and got up on my feet. "Wait for me there. I'll go down." I said with a wide smile before running towards the door.

"Don't run Eero! You might trip!" Dad shouted but I couldn't care less. I know he will let me go to the sea.

I excitedly ran downstairs and even saw mom organizing her files.

"Eero don't run..." she reminded me but I only smiled at her before going out to meet Dad.

"Dad!" I said as I came near them. "Dad can you please let me go to the beach? I really want to go there..."



"Son our bodyguards are not around. I asked most of them to go to my office to escort some investors that I will be meeting today. Also, the other guards are on duty here."

"Can't I take one?"

"No can do young man." he firmly said and I frowned even more. I felt eyes prying at me and as I turned to my left, I saw Ezekiel staring at me like I'm an unknown specimen.

What now chocolate boy?

Then an idea popped out of my head. God I'm such a genius!

"Uh, Dad can Ezekiel go with me instead? I mean he's here and it's summer vacation so I bet he's free?" I suggested and I saw how his brows furrowed once again. Those little lines of pedestrians in his forehead... I might as well get an iron to flatten those lines.

"Son, Ezekiel is here to work-"

"Sir I will just do the things that need to be done here. My son, Ezekiel, can accompany sir Eero to the beach." said mister Reynold.

Ooh... so they're father and son... doesn't look like it. Mister Reynold is a very cheerful man. He's polite and he likes smiling and laughing a lot, while this man, whom I cannot believe is his son, likes to frown and make a scowling face for the entire day.

"What?" Ezekiel said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Right Ezekiel?" his Dad said and I smiled with so much satisfaction when he nodded, agreeing to what I want.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and the three looked at me. Mister Reynold smiled while Dad shook his head in disbelief.

Oh Dad... you should know by now that your son can find ways.

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