𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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Tommy had woken up in his messy room, wooden toys scattered across the floor, blankets tossed at different angles.

The young boy leaned forward to only get a bright flash of light from the morning sun into his blue eyes, rubbing them slightly wincing at the brightness of it.

He climbed out of his small bed suited to his height, and tip toed on the creaky floor boards. He could smell breakfast, bacon, eggs and probably some other things. Phil was always good at making breakfast, Tommy wouldn't have it any other way.

He quietly opened the door using the doorknob, he had to stretch his arm up to reach it, he is only 5 years old after all.

The boy carefully, but quickly jogged down the hallway as to not be heard by his feathered father on the floor below him.

Tommy Awkwardly climbed down the wooden stairs, careful to not make a peep.

The young boy could hear the humming that he would every morning, Phil, with his Huge dark grey wings with dark green ends sat there, looking fucking awesome Tommy would think.

Phil had tried to stop Tommy from swearing. Concidering how young he is, but he just can't seem to stop him. That blonde haired brat swore like a sailor.

Tommy had always envied Phil's wings. He always admired the way that they glided in the air looking weightless. He wanted to be weightless, just like Phil, he wanted to be just like his father.

But Tommy knew that would never happen.


The group were sitting in the living room at night, the soft orange glow from the fire and it's slight crackle of heat in the silence was nothing short of calming.

"Papa?" Tommy glared at Phil, cuddled into a bundle of pillows, slightly drifting off.

"Yes Tommy?" Phil said softly, laying on the couch, preening his wing's while sitting by the fire with Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur in comfortable silence.

"When will I get wings like yours?" Tommy stared at the wings he so desired, while Phil was preening and flattening his feather's into place.

Before Phil could answer, Technoblade piped up.

"Tommy, Phil has already told you before. Just because you're his only biological son, doesn't mean you'll get them." Techno said while he slided his glasses on, and grabbed a book from the side.

"Especially since your mother was a human, not an Avian."

"Tech is right Tommy," Wilbur blurted

"Wing's are incredibly rare, you know this." Wilbur glanced at Tommy with a look saying im sorry plastered all over it.

If a heart could've chipped, Tommy's would have.

The cold slap of reality.

Tommy made a small hm noise and then burried his fuzzy head back into his pillow's.

"Plus," Phil cooed

"I dont think you would like the process of getting them anyway mate, it wasn't nice."

The children in the warm room all looked up at Phil, waiting for him to carry on.

Phil laughed

"Well..when I was around ..Sixteen? Seventeen? I dunno." The bird man scratched his neck

"I was just in my room, doing god knows what,"

"Then that night I had felt some pains in my upper and middle back. So I had asked my father for some pain meds and that seemed to do the trick."

Phil then went on to tell the story of the gruesome things that happened when his wing's grew in.

"I think im going to be sick--" Wilbur murmured underneath his hand that was covering his mouth.

Phil had just burst out laughing at his kid's reaction's to the gory details.

"Yeah, honestly the worst pain I have ever experienced in my entire life." Phil sighed, still smiling.

Tommy just sat there eyes wide imagining that situation he had just been told.

The young boy's Dream of having wing's seemed scary now, but he still wanted them with every fiber in his being.


Tommy admired Phil's wings from a distance at the staircase. They looked so big and powerful.

Phil sharply turned around in the kitchen looking for something when he saw his youngest at the stairs, staring.

"Oh-! Hey Tommy, good morning!"

"What are you doing mate?" Phil said smiling, confused.

Tommy's cheeks slightly flushed red with embarrassment as he was caught gawking at Phil's beautiful wings.

"Notin'" The little boy waddled over to his Dad to look at the frying pan sizzling with eggs and bacon. Tommy had just noticed how hungry he was.

"Food" Tommy pointed at the frying pan as Phil pat his head smiling

"It'll be ready soon mate, don't worry." He lifted his hand from Tommy's head, then signaled to the living room where they had chatted the night before.

"Go sit down and colour until then, okay?" Phil looked down at Tommy, waiting for a response

The younger walked over to the couch where his crayons were, rubbing one of his eyes as he was still a little tired.

For the next few minutes it was really quiet and peaceful, You could hear the birds and wildlife chirping outside in the sun, and Phil was nearly done making breakfast.

All of a sudden there were loud bangs and pounding noises coming from upstairs, specifically Technoblades room.

The crashes and loud footsteps continued across the top floor until they reached the stairs.

Tommy and Philza's gaze were met with a panting Wilbur. With far much more gold jewlery on than usual.

"WILBUR, GIVE ME BACK MY GOLD!" An angry Techno came crashing down the stairs ready to tackle his piglin twin for the jewlery.

This wasn't the first fight about gold Phil had seen between the two teens.

Before Phil could intervene, Techno had jumped right on top of Wilbur, obviously hurting him.

"Give me it back Wilbur." Techno said yanking on Wil's gold earrings.

"you fucking hog all of it! I never get any-!" Wilbur yelled trying to push off Techo from his chest

"IT ISN'T EVEN YOUR'S TO BEGIN WITH-" Technoblade blurted out as he was interrupted with an angry Philza glaring down at the two.

The two pigs immediately stopped when they saw the intimidating look their adoptive Father gave the two.

Techno let go of Wilbur's shirt collar, and Wilbur let go of Techno's pointy ears.

"Techno, get off" Phil said softly, wings puffing up. but too softly. It was scary enough to make Techno have a pool of anxiety in his chest, he got off.

once Wilbur was off the floor and Techno was standing in front of Phil, he started talking

"I get you two love gold so so much, but you're nearly fucking fourteen, alright? Now sit down for breakfast with Tommy over there."

"Oh, and just share the damn gold, alright mate?" Phil looked at Techno

Techno nodded.

The two boys walked over to the couch, ears drooping.


Tommy wishes Time's were like that again, He would do anything for Philza's eggs and bacon in exile.

He really needed it.


Word count: 1170 words

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