The Popular Boy And The Tutor: Part 1

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So fun fact: this very story was actually going to be the very first ever oneshot of this book, but I ended up never finishing it and forgot about it multiple times. I kept telling myself I was going to finish it, but it just never happened. Still, it seems like a waste for me not to share it, so here you go!

This story may not be the best because, like I said, this was the first story I wrote when creating this book and I just never really got around to fixing it, so if it's bad or not up to the writing level of my other stories(+spelling/grammar issues), you know why.

This is not an April fools joke. :)


Kai Smith is the most popular boy in his high school.

I mean, how can he not be?  The junior is charming, classy, sweet, athletic, smooth with the ladies, and hot.  I mean, he's the hottest guy in school— as every single girl in the three floored building would put it.  With his fabulously styled brown hair being styled up with a gallon of hair gel, his deep blue eyes that can pull you into a trance with one look, and his smooth voice that draws you in from down the hall.  Every girl from freshmen to seniors drool over him and pray to God for him to notice them, or at least, every girl except his sister, who cringes and rolls her eyes as he walks through the hallways. 

His sister, Nya Smith, just so happens to be one of the most popular girls in school next to Skylor Chen, one of her best friends, and Tox, a punk styled girl with neon green hair and, well, pretty much neon green everything.  She's very popular for being the lead singer and guitarist in the school's rock/metal/anything-with-electric-guitar-in-it band while Skylor's popular for her red-headed beauty, kindness, and intelligence.  Nya, on the other hand, is not only popular because of her older brother, but also because of her amazing sense of fashion.  Kai wouldn't be half as "hot" without her guidance.

She has long raven hair that always bounces back and forth from a ponytail to it hanging loosely on her back and shoulders, pure tan skin, like Kai, a beauty mark on her upper cheek, brown eyes that are so unique they look almost amber when the light shines on them, and she's a bit taller for an average girl.

What makes Kai even more popular is that he's a co-captain and the star player of the school's football team alongside his best friend Cole Brookstone, who is also very popular.  Everyone loves Kai, literally.  Every girl fawns over him, and a lot of guys too.  Kai's proudly come out as bisexual too, only making him even more loved.  Even half of the teachers playfully roll their eyes at Kai Smith's antics and charms when he enters the room.  Kai's pretty much perfect in every way, if it weren't for one single problem.

Kai's grades aren't the best.

He's never been the best with studying habits or completing homework.  He struggles a lot, in fact, and he's gotten threats from his football coach that he'll suspend the brunet from playing until his grades improve.  It's not that Kai's careless, it's just that he's a little... narcissistic and caught up.  Being the most popular boy in school "went to his head a little", as Nya would put it.  He doesn't really see the need to put that much effort into his academics like he does for football

So, that's what dragged Kai into this situation.  Him being stuck between a rock and a hard place, or in his case a wall and his parents scolding him for his irresponsible behavior with his grades.  "You can't be slacking off, Kai!" His father, Ray, says to him sternly.  "You're a junior in high school, you have to be preparing for college!"

"I don't even know what I'm going into college for, Dad!" The brunet retorts.  "Besides, I have more important things to worry about."

"More important things!" Ray says, exasperated.  "Do you want to end up being homeless out on the streets because you couldn't get a job?"

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