Sleep Deprived

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Lloyd's been working very hard lately. He makes sure that everyone he loves is safe, he makes sure that civilizations are safe, heck, he even puts random animal's priorities before his. But he has many horrible habits, and one of those is overworking himself or avoiding self care. Normally Lloyd's good with this, but sometimes he lets himself slip. Kai helps him out when he does— trying to take care of him when he neglects his own self care and all that— but occasionally it can be quite frustrating since the blonde's too stubborn to take what normal people consider a "break". And now, like the ninja had predicted long ago, Lloyd is close to reaching his limit once again.

"Kai, knock some sense into your boyfriend before he kills himself." Nya asks her brother in the living room.

"Is he still refusing to sleep?" The fire ninja puts down the controller and turns to her, his tone ridden with disbelief.

"Yeah. And if you don't get him to sleep in the next hour, I'm going to get Zane to inject him with propofol. We can't have Ninjago be attacked and have our strongest member and leader burned out and unable to answer 3rd grade level math questions on the spot." Nya crosses her arms and glares at Kai.

Kai sighs and pauses his game, tossing the controller to the side. "I'll take care of it." He gets up and shoves his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants as he walks though the monastery and towards his and Lloyd's shared room. When he reaches their room, he knocks on it with his knuckle. "Hey love, you in there?" He hears some shuffling though the door, and then a muffled and soft "come in".

Kai opens the door to see Lloyd haunched over a desk, his messy hair being pulled at and bunched up into his fist as he writes away onto a piece of paper. Kai looks around at the other contents on the desk, and see's several empty cans of Red Bull that have piled up over time. Kai internally groans. Dammit Lloyd, not again.

The last time he did something like this was when his Dad disappeared after the whole Oni ordeal. He didn't sleep for days because he was too busy trying to look for clues on where he could be, not to mention he was a little messed up in the head for a while after what had happened a few months prior. The ninja finally got Lloyd to sleep, but it took a lot of convincing.

"Humans need sleep, Lloyd." Kai says, jumping straight into it.

Lloyd doesn't move or look up at him, he just keeps scribbling away onto what looks like a map. "Then it's a good thing I'm only half human." Lloyd says.

"Babe, you've had nothing but chips and Red Bull for the past 10 hours and you've been awake for over 40 hours. Please give yourself a break and sleep."

But, as usual, Lloyd doesn't listen. "I'm fine. I'm so close to figuring out where this crook could be. Can you hand me that pink thing?"

Kai looks over to where he's pointing to see a pink eraser sitting on the bed. "You mean the eraser?" Kai corrects him with a bored expression.

"Uh, yeah, same thing." Kai shakes his head. This bitch—

Done with Lloyd's bullshit, Kai moves away from where the blonde is sitting and grabs the sheets and blankets of their bed, pulling them back. After, he moves back over to Lloyd and grabs his arm with a gentle yet iron grip and pulls him up with little effort. "Gah— wha— Kai!" Kai ignores Lloyd's protests and effortlessly tosses him onto his bed, since his body's far too fatigued to fight back. Kai scoops him up bridal style and adjusts him so his head is on a pillow and his body isn't above the blankets.

Taking the sheets and blankets in hand, he pulls them over the blonde. Lloyd continues to protest, and even starts to get up and swat his boyfriend away, but his body and mind are both so exhausted that he finds the effort hard. The soft cushions of the bed and the fluffiness of the pillow are causing a large part of him to yearn for the bed, to just let sleep overtake him. Plus, the coolness of the pillow eases Lloyd's headache that he's been battling for quite some time now. But, as usual, Lloyd's too stubborn to submit to that.

Kai opens the drawer of the bedside table and pulls out a sleep mask that the blonde usually uses since he's sensitive to light—and can't sleep with even a small light shining in his eyes for the life of him.

Kai puts the mask on him and moves towards the light switch. He turns off all the lights in the room and moves back to the bed, pushing the protesting blonde down as he crawls on top of him. Kai finally lets his body down onto Lloyd's and rests his head on Lloyd's chest, closing his eyes. Kai knows exactly what he's doing, and he's proud of himself for successfully immobilizing the blonde so he can't escape. "Goodnight Baby." Kai says softly.

Lloyd slightly squirms from under him. "Kaiii," he says, drawing out the "I". "Let me gooo."

"No, sleep." He commands. Lloyd sighs, but also immediately feels drowsiness consume him and slip him in and out of consciousness. The warmth of his fire ninja boyfriend cuddling him, the darkness and silence of the room, it's all a perfect setting. Lloyd can't deny that he's craving the feeling of sleep.

And so, Lloyd finally lets his mind take a break, and he falls asleep in mere seconds. There's only one person who can get Lloyd Garmadon to sleep in a record time, and who knew that person would end up being the hotheaded fire ninja himself?

"I love you." Lloyd inaudibly mumbles before his consciousness leaves him completely. Kai smiles, knowing he's won, and he allows himself to fall asleep too, feeling safe with the love of his life in his arms.

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