Figure Skater Kai, Hockey Player Lloyd (Pt. 1/2)

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I'm so so so sorry for my long absence. I've been so busy lately, and my motivation to write anything was thrown completely out the window. I'm working on a lot of stuff, and I'm going to try and get around to writing them ASAP!

But for now, enjoy!


"Okay skaters, take five!"

Kai halts on the ice just before exiting the rink. The brunet steps off of the ice and walks over to the bench his stuff is sitting on. He sits down and puts his skate guards on his blades. He takes a swig from his water bottle, breathing out a sigh of relief as he rested his feet. His sister, Nya, walks over to him with their friends Zane and Jay at her side.

"You okay?" Zane asked as he reached for his skate guards.

Kai ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah..." he sighed.

"Well, that's not very convincing." Jay, Nya's boyfriend, said as he sat on the ground to stretch a little, awkwardly angling his legs because of the skates on his feet.

Nya took Kai's water bottle from his hand and poured some into her mouth. She smiled as she plopped down next to him. "What's up?"

"He's sad because NCU is playing right now, and he can't make it because he's at practice." Jay said. Zane sat down on Kai's other side.

Nya handed Kai his water bottle back. "Ninjago City University again? Why are you so obsessed with their hockey team, bro?"

Kai glared at her. "I-I'm not!"

"You rush out of practice all the time to watch them play." Jay pointed out.

Zane nodded, "That's true. You're always so eager for practice to end and you hardly pay attention to Mr. Wu when he's teaching us a new synchronized formation.

"The old man can only lecture you so much." Jay smirked, then screeched as Kai's water bottle hit him square in the arm.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Look, maybe I just appreciate a couple of guys slamming each other into the boards with the brute force of a stampede."

"Or, maybe you're looking for a certain someone." Nya nudged Kai a little.

He looked at her. "Yeah, okay, and who would I be looking for exactly?"

"Is it that guy who graduated a year below us? The one who hung around Skylor a lot? What was his name..." Zane tapped his lip in thought.

Nya leaned forward to speak to Zane. "Lloyd Garmadon?"

Zane snapped his fingers. "Yes! Lloyd Garmadon!"

Jay looked up at him from the ground, somehow painlessly holding the splits. "Wait, he went to NCU like Cole?"

Nya leaned back. "Damn. That's not an easy school to get into. Hang on, he's the one you go to watch all the time?"

"Nya," Kai groaned. "Please don't do this right now."

"Oh my gosh! My brother has a crush!" Nya squeaked.


"You still have a crush on him? It's been three years since you graduated, man!" Jay pointed out.

"You and Lloyd did seem to be close in high school." Zane inquired.

Kai buried his face in his hands. "Guys..."

"Okay everyone, break's over!" Mr. Wu called out to everyone. One by one, people hopped back onto the ice, gliding over to the older man. Kai sighed. Why couldn't he just do what he wanted without having to be berated by his sister and friends? To be fair, it was true. He'd always had eyes for someone, ever since elementary. For the longest time in high school he actually had eyes for a girl in the grade above him, Skylor Chen. One time, he hung out with her friend group to try and get closer to her, but things didn't go quite as he expected. Instead of getting closer to Skylor, he became distracted by one of her friends. His name was Lloyd Garmadon, and he was a year younger than Kai.

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