The Popular Boy And The Tutor: Part 2

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The day went on as any other.  Lloyd spent his time trying to get as much homework done as he can (he'd prefer not to have a lot of homework) while trying not to dose off from the boring lecture.  Kai is doing the same, but he keeps getting distracted and not understanding the material.  All he can think about was how great last weekend's game went.  Kai had helped make a touchdown and he basked and savored the small praises he got from his teammates, coaches, and other students.

He's excited for today's practice, but he can't shake the feeling of frustration when he thinks about how his parents set him up with a tutor. I mean, he doesn't need a tutor! He can figure it out on his own, he always figures it out. He feels a little bad for standing up someone who's just trying to help him, but at the same time he doesn't really care. He'll just wing it like always.

When the day had gone and passed, Kai went to practice. They did their usual drills, and eventually Kai found himself talking to Cole about game plans and such while everyone else went on with practice. During their discussion, Kai goes quiet. Cole notices this. "Earth to Airhead?" He says, waving a hand in front of Kai's face.

"Uh- what?" He says, breaking from his trance.

"Dude, what is up with you today? Get your head in the game!"

"Ah, sorry." He says. "But, do you know who the guy from this morning was?" He asks.

Cole cocks his eyebrow. "The blonde guy?"


"I don't know. I mean, I kinda do. He's in my gym class." Cole says.

Kai lightens you at this. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah. Why do you care?"

Kai tilts his head down in embarrassment. Cole examines his behavior for a second, and instantly gets what's going. "Oh no, no you don't!" He says, hitting Kai over the head.

"Wa— hey! Ow!" Kai says, glaring at his friend.

Cole points a finger at him. "Don't you dare think that you and your bisexual ass can get distracted now. We have games to win, and we can't have you going all goo goo eyed on some blonde kid you briefly saw in the hallway."

"I don't need a lecture, Cole!" Kai says. "I was just wondering if you knew him."

Cole signs. "Look, if you want me to hook you two up I'll gladly be your wingman after the season ends. Deal?"

Kai rolls your eyes. "No, because I don't want to be 'hooked up'."

"Whatever man." Cole says as he gets up and puts his helmet on. "Now get off your ass and let's go."

Kai scoffs irritably. What does he know? After all, it's not like he's a walking angel or anything. With his wavy blonde hair, his beautiful emerald eyes, his perfect face—

And it's in that moment where Kai get's hit on the head with a football by Cole because he got distracted. This is why we wear helmets.

Unlike Kai, who went to practice after school, Lloyd drove straight home and crashed on his bed.  His mom had eventually went into his room to check on him and ask about the tutoring, only for Lloyd to tiredly tell her his disappointing story.  "It's okay, I'm over it." He finishes.

His mom, who is a single mother and doesn't take crap from anyone, draws back her orange hair into a bun as she sternly tells her son, "You're just going to let him do that to you?  If he did it on the first day, then he's bound to do it again.  I say, when you go over to his place tonight, you look him in the eye and put him in his place!"

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