Comfort Cuddles (SHORT)

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Lloyd lays on the couch, scrolling though his phone.  The others were off doing their own thing, since they had a day off from training.  Suddenly, Lloyd can hear the door to the monastery open.  He has a feeling about who may have opened it.  Kai was assigned to a mission a few days ago, and was expected to return today.  Lloyd smiles at the thought of Kai being home.  He's missed him.

But then, Lloyd hears an odd scraping sound.  Kai walks into the gaming room — where Lloyd is currently — dragging his swords behind him as his back is arched forward.  He looks like he's given up on life.  His looks depressed and tired.  Lloyd raises an eyebrow or concern at his boyfriend.  "Kai?" Lloyd questions him.

Kai stops mid walk and turns to Lloyd in a sad desire.  He drops his swords on the ground, the loud sound of clanking metal being left behind him, and drags himself over to the green ninja.  Lloyd is about to ask if he's okay, until Kai crawls on top of him and drops onto him, burying his face into his chest.  Lloyd immediately puts his phone to the side and gently wraps one arm around the brunet, bringing his other hand up to pet Kai's hair.  "Did the mission go okay?"

Kai burrows his head deeper into Lloyd's chest in response.  Lloyd sighs and kisses him on top of his head.  "It's okay," he coos.  "We've all been there.  Want to talk about it?" He says in a calming voice.  Kai lets out a muffled groan.  Lloyd smiles.  "Okay, we'll talk later then."

They spent the next half hour sitting in silence, Kai fighting the urge to fall asleep.  He may be upset, but at least he has his boyfriend to cuddle him when he needs it.


I can't not write short wholesome moments about my boys.  I'm planning on making a bunch of more shorts, and if you want to request to have one then go for it!

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