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This is just a little short story I thought of because I was putting on chapstick and then thought, "Hey, I could make a story out of this."

So here I am.


One of the problems Kai has about being the fire ninja, is that his skin always dries out due to his body temperature being hotter than any average human's. His tan skin ends up drying out extremely easily, which is why he uses a skin care routine almost every night. His brothers make fun of him for it, but he doesn't care. As long as his skin isn't irritably dried out and his complexion is looking hot, as always, he'll keep doing it. One of the places that dries out easier than others, though, are his lips. Because of this, he's always carrying chapstick around and applying it whenever he can get the chance.

And that chance is right now.

Kai looks everywhere for the small cylinder that holds the magical substance that soothes his uncomfortable lips. He looks on all the tabletops, his and Lloyd's bedroom, his pockets, his bag, everywhere — three times. Yet he turns up empty handed every time. "Oh come on," he says. "Where is it?" He says, frustrated.

Lloyd watches as his boyfriend looks all over the bounty for his chapstick, and even asks if the guys and Nya have any, to which they do not. Kai grumbles as he flops on the couch, giving up his search. He drapes an arm over his eyes and sighs. Lloyd smiles evilly. He fiddles with something in his pocket as he walks up to Kai and towers over the brunet. "What's wrong?" Lloyd asks him cluelessly.

Kai removes his arm and looks at him. "I can't find my chapstick." He says.

Lloyd looks at Kai's lips, and sees that they are indeed pretty chapped today, and it doesn't help that it's winter out right now. "Oh, that sucks." Lloyd says, pretending to be sympathetic.

Kai places his arm back over his eyes. "It's fine. I'll just buy a new one at the store later."

Lloyd hums in response, removing the object he had been fiddling with from his pocket. He looks at it and grins smugly. The object he had been playing with was a small cylinder of cinnamon chapstick, Kai's favorite. He takes the cap off and applies a good amount of it to his own lips. Lloyd puts it back in his pocket and crawls on top of Kai. Kai assumes Lloyd's just going to cuddle, and he's about to say something sweet, until he feels a pair of lips connect with his.

Kai removes his arm from his face and his eyes fly open in surprise. Kai waits a second to process what's going on, and when he finally does he caresses Lloyd's neck in his hands, deepening the kiss. They separate and Kai stares into Lloyd's unique eyes to see him smiling down at him. Kai then licks his lips to taste the unforgettable flavor of cinnamon, his favorite flavor in pretty much anything. Kai puts two and two together, and stares at Lloyd through furrowed eyebrows, smiling. "Did you steal my chapstick just to kiss me with it?" Kai interrogates the blonde.

Lloyd pulls the chapstick out of his pocket and waves it to the side of his head so Kai can see it. "Maybe," he teases him.

"You know, if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked me."

Lloyd closes the gap between them and cups Kai's cheeks in his hands. Kai moves his hands to wrap around Lloyd's waist. Lloyd breaks the kiss and looks into Kai's amber eyes. "I know," he says. "But where's the fun in that?"


Oh lord this was embarrassing to wriiiiiiiiiite ahhhhhh—

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