Figure Skater Kai, Hockey player Lloyd (Pt. 2/2)

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Didn't think part 2 would come out 2 hours later, did ya?


Lloyd shifted in his bed. It's been 2 days since he was concussed, and for those 50 hours he spent majority of his time sleeping. There wasn't much else he could do. He was advised by the doctor to take a full week of brain rest, meaning being careful around light, no screen time, reading, driving, basically anything that would make him use his head or need to focus. He was completely and utterly bored.

Skylor dropped him off and made sure he was taken care of before leaving. He seriously couldn't ask for a better friend. He was then put into the care of his roommate, Brad, who for once in his life gave Lloyd a break and made sure he got the rest he needed. He also handled Lloyd's dad when he showed up at the door not long after Lloyd came home. He was off of school and wasn't looking forward to having to make up all the lectures and homework he'll miss. Even so, that's not what was on Lloyd's mind. He couldn't stop thinking about Kai and what he said.

"You're concussed..." Kai's voice played over and over again in his mind like a broken record. Yeah, he is concussed, but he wasn't telling Kai that because he was loopy! He was telling Kai he liked him because he actually did! But Kai shut him down. He shut him down hard. "You're concussed... you're concussed... you're concussed..."

In an act of frustration, Lloyd banged his fist against the wall, grabbing the attention of his roommate. Brad looked at him from his desk. "You good?"

"No," Lloyd grumbled, turning over in his bed so he was facing the wall.

"Is it because you guys lost the game or because you got a concussion?"


"I'm sorry, that sucks." he said.

"No kidding..."

"You sure that's everything? I've known you since we were kids, I can tell when there's more to the story."

Lloyd ducked his head under the blankets. "You ever get horribly rejected?" Brad heard the latter's muffled voice through the blankets.

Brad put his pencil down. "Wait, you have a crush?"

"Had. I had one for a while. Since sophomore year."

"Damn." Brad said. "What happened?"

"He was there. At the game."


"Yes! Pay attention!" Lloyd popped his head out of the blankets and glared at his roommate. He sighed and sat up, pinching the bridge of his nose to cope with his headache. "He was there. He saw me get annihilated by that prick who gave me a concussion. I can't remember much of what happened, but he helped Skylor take me to the hospital and even stayed with me when I got a CT scan. I—I thought he liked me, but now that I think about it that's absolutely stupid. It's been, what, three years since then? He's probably dating anyway! But, you know, stupid me told him I liked him and all he said to me was 'you're concussed."

Brad shook his head "No, he couldn't have."

"He did." Lloyd looked at his hands. "God, I want to die." he said as he buried himself under the covers again.

"Have you talked to him yet?"

"No, I'm on 'brain rest.' Doctors orders. Plus, he probably hates me."

"Maybe," Brad said. "Or maybe not. When you get out, you should just go talk to him."

Lloyd looked to at him. "Since when did you give good advice?"

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