Soulmate AU: Part 2

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Lloyd groans as the alarm clock blares in his ear.  He slams his fist on the off button, burying his face into his pillow.  Today was the first day of junior year at his new high school, one he transferred to not too long ago due to his mother not needing to travel around anymore.  It took, what, four years?  He stopped counting a while ago.

He moved back to Ninjago City a few days ago, and he was nervous.  He didn't have the best luck with school. No one liked him since he was the son of Garmadon, and school was a living hell to experience every day. Lloyd was somewhat relieved to switch to homeschooling for the duration of his time on his mom's travels. Lloyd looks over at his phone, checking the time.  It was early, too early.  Lloyd internally groans and drops his head back onto the pillow.  He always wakes up way too early because he's anxious about being late to pretty much everything, and it didn't help that he was laying awake all last night, dreading this day.

He didn't know anyone, and he hasn't been to an actual school in forever. Not only that, but he's pretty insecure about what he looks like now. Not just because he's the son of Garmadon, though.  When he was thirteen, something weird happened to him — something really weird. It was one of those days when Lloyd was left alone because his mom had a job she was assigned to, and she had to leave Lloyd alone for a few days.

He was minding his own business, working on some personal projects to pass the time, when an abnormally warm and fuzzy feeling swept over him. He felt a sense of peace, and he was oddly happy — but only in that moment. He didn't think much of it, other than how weird it was, but afterwards he later went to the bathroom and glanced at himself in the mirror, his eyes grew wide with shock as he looked into them. His left eye wasn't the same green color it's always been, it had completely changed color! It was now the color of amber.

Concerned, Lloyd called his mom and told her about it. She, too, was concerned, and she ended up taking him to an eye doctor to get it looked at. Turns out, there was actually nothing wrong with him.

"Then why did his eye color change in the matter of minutes?" Koko had asked the doctor, her face ridden with worry.

The doctor just looked at her and smiled. "Tell me, Mrs. Garmadon, have you ever heard about the soulmate system?"

Koko looked at him in confusion. "I've only ever heard of it. I didn't meet my husband through that system, and I've never seen anyone else go through it."

The doctor smiled. "Well, look no further, because I believe your son is the first."

Lloyd had looked at his mom, surprised. "Wait, are you telling me that I have a soulmate?" He had questioned in disbelief. The doctor nodded his head. "How is that possible? I'm only thirteen!"

"The soulmate system happens randomly at any age. It's not genetic, as far as scientists and doctors are concerned, and it can happen at any time in a person's life. Your mother may not have met your father through it, but there's a chance she could still have a soulmate — or maybe not. Yours activated at a younger age because, as simple as it is, you have a soulmate."

Lloyd had exchanged a look with his mom. "So, how do I know who they are? Is my eye always going to be like this?"

"Most of the time, you don't know who your soulmate is. Once your eye changes color, indicating you have a soulmate, they will only return to their full original color after you've come face to face with that said soulmate. It may take many years for you to find your soulmate, or it could come sooner than you think. The soulmate system is nothing but chance and luck."

That was three years ago.

Now Lloyd's sixteen, going on seventeen, and at this point he's done trying to look for someone who could be on the other side of Ninjago as far as he's concerned. His alarm rings again, telling the blonde to get up once again, and Lloyd shuts it off immediately. If I just ignore it maybe I can sleep though the day.

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