And They Were Roommates Pt. 1

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NOTE: in this universe, Lloyd never got aged up and is naturally around the same age as the other ninja. He's still the youngest, but he's not much younger than Nya (I like to think they're roughly around half a year apart)
Also, tiny hint of my Lloyd AU in here :3

This is minor, but please do not copy, steal, or try to recreate my au(s).  I am very strict about creating original content and I would like to keep those original ideas my own since I tend to spend a long time coming up with them.  Thank you, that's all!


It's shameful to be that attractive.

That's what Kai first thought when he set eyes onto his Sensei's nephew and the son of the most terrifying, cunning, and dangerous man in the underworld. Or at least, that's where he was before this whole mess unfolded.

The whole reason Kai even met the blonde in the first place is because Garmadon, the one person who can single handily bring forth the end of the world, isn't in the underworld anymore. He escaped, and is scarier and more driven for chaos than ever before. He has one goal;  To take the golden weapons for himself and use them to destroy everything light has to offer. Why? Kai can only assume it's for power. What could the reason be otherwise?

So, how does this involve his son, you ask? Well, not only is he apparently the key to bringing down Garmadon, but he's also an elemental master just like the rest of the ninja. Well, expect for one tiny detail that may or may not be important in this specific situation.

"THE GREEN NINJA?" the ninja and samurai all shout in unison. The expressions on their faces are full of shock and confusion. Jay's practically ripping his hair out with how hard he's gripping it, and Kai looks like he's about to explode. They proceed to spit out several follow up questions like these are their last few minutes on earth, making the wise sensei's ears hurt.

"Students!" he quiets them instantly. "I know this is a shock, but there is no need for shouting."

"But, Sensei," Zane says in a calm manner, as always, but even his usual tranquil demeanor is being overruled by the pure shock that they've all just received. "Why didn't you tell us about this before? We knew we weren't destined for the job, but—" He cuts himself off, lost for words.

Master Wu smiles, but only for a brief moment before his expression turns hard and serious again when he speaks next. "There are many things I've kept secret throughout my life, secrets that have been revealed at times when they were needed, and at times when they weren't. But, this was a secret that needed to be kept. If my brother found out that his own son was destined to defeat him, he would never know a day of peace in his life."

"So why tell us now?" Nya asked him.

Master Wu combs his hand through his long, white beard. "As you know, my brother has escaped the underworld and is now roaming freely in Ninjago. He also has developed the power to poses all four golden weapons.  My sister-in-law and I have done our best to hide my nephew over the years, but we fear that Garmadon may be looking for him. Whether he knows he is the Green Ninja or not is a mystery, and we fear the worst for his safety."

Kai lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "So, what, do you want us to hide him or something?"

"No," Wu said. "He will be coming to the monetary to live with us."

And, once again, the conjoined shouting commences. "WHAT?"

Master Wu gives them a glare.  "Okay, okay," Cole says, gathering himself.  "So, he's coming to live with us?  For how long?"

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