Chpt 12

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I felt so guilty watching Eoghan walk away once I closed the door.
I knew how much he wanted to come in but I just couldn't.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Lucia crying.
I go upstairs to my room and see Riley attempting to soothe her.
"I'll take her"
Riley turns around and gives me Lucia.
"Can you get the teething gel stuff Riley?"
Riley leaves to get the teething gel as I rock Lucia.
I stroke her forehead while rocking her.
She bats my hand away.
I take a deep breath already accepting that I won't be sleeping tonight.

(Eoghans pov 6 months later)
What a crazy six months it's been.
Lucia is going to be one in a week which is why I'm aimlessly wondering around the toy aisles aimlessly.
I probably should have asked Chloe for help she'd have a better idea of this stuff then me.
I walk into the doll aisle getting slightly embarrassed that I'm here.
I look at the endless rows and rows of dolls.
I find one that looks like a doll version of Lucia except for the eye colour.
I take it off the shelf and consider it for a moment.
Maybe she's too young for doll like this.
I put it back and decide that that will be plan b if I find nothing else.
I find the stuffed animal isle and start looking around.
Then I find it

Lucia adores sheep or as she calls them "Seep"She's going to love it

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Lucia adores sheep or as she calls them "Seep"
She's going to love it.
After paying and leaving my thoughts immediately go to hiding it.
I go into another store and buy a t shirt for myself so I can throw away the bag from the toy shop.
I cover the sheep in the t shirt and carry on shopping.
I left Chloé in the clothes shop because I have no sense of fashion especially when it comes to stuff for Lucia.

"Happy birthday to you~"
The song finishes and Lucia who was babbling along is now confused as to why the singing has stopped.
Riley goes into another room and brings out her birthday cake which has fondant figurines of sheep on it.
Her eyes widen in delight.
I chuckle as she reaches out for the fondant sheep.
Riley places the cake on the kitchen table and takes one of the sheep figures off of it and hands it to the extremely delighted Lucia.
Cassidy kisses Lucia's cheek and excuses herself.
I want to follow Cassidy but decide that she needs her space.
Lucia proudly shows off the sheep to anyone that will give her attention.
Which is currently everyone in the room.
I leave while Lucia has everyone's attention.
I go to Cassidy's room and stand at the door listening to her sniffling.
I knock gently and she stops immediately.
"It's me Cas" she gets up and opens the door leaving me in and closing the door quickly and quietly.
She sits back down on her bed and stares at the spot where Lucia's crib used to be next to her bed.
We moved Lucia into the spare room about a week ago since she's old enough to have her own room now.
Cassidy hugs a pillow and crys silently into it.
I sit down and put an arm around her.
I don't know what to say to comfort her.
Maybe I should let her cry and leave her let it all out.
She lets the pillow fall to to floor and buries her head into my chest,I play with her hair as she continues to cry.

I don't know how long Cassidy was crying for but by the end of it she is sound asleep,I tuck her into bed and kiss her forehead.
I linger for a moment at her door before I gently close it.
I only notice when I walk into the hallway that it's completely dark and probably night time.
I check my phone.
I wonder if her parents know I'm here or if they assumed I just up and left.
I put my phone away and walk to Lucia's room and peep in the open door.
As expected she's sound asleep cuddling the sheep plushie I got her.
In the six months I've known her she's wrapped me around her little finger.
I walk into her room and lean on her crib looking at her sleeping peacefully.
I take out my phone and take a few pictures of her.
I walk out of her room and almost bump into Riley.
"What are you still doing here?"
"I didn't realize what the time was" I lower the tone of the conversation and my voice so Lucia won't wake up.
"Wheres Cassidy"
Rileys voice is annoyed and hard.
"She's asleep"
"Riley is Lucia ok?"
Cassidy's mothers gentle voice calls from down the stairs.
Riley looks at me almost daring me to answer the question.
"S-Shes sound asleep"
She walks halfway up the stairs and looks through the banister of the stairs.
"Oh, Eoghan your still here I thought you went home."
"No I was with Cassidy-"
"What where you doing with Cassidy"
"Riley leave the poor boy alone"
Riley looks at me with despise before moving past me and going into Cassidy's room.
"Do you want to stay the night Eoghan?"
"I don't know" I reply iffy about the whole Riley situation.
Her mother walks the rest of the way up the stairs.
Riley walks out of Cassidy's room looking visibly pissed off.
"Boy you better explain why my daughter was crying"
"Riley Don't speak to him like that"
"I don't know why she was crying" I explain "When she excused herself from the party I followed her and she was crying"
"You better not have done anything else when you followed her into that room-"
Cassidy's mothers voice goes from gentle and sweet to dangerous.
Lucia starts crying more then likely woken up from the arguing.
"Look what you did now boy!"
I try to go to Lucia's room the comfort her but Riley blocks me.
Lucias crying continues, Cassidy must be awake at this point.
Una grabs Riley and pulls them away from the door so I can go in.
When I walk into her room I close the door behind me.
I walk over to her crib wrap her blanket around her and cradle her
The arguing continues and I wonder if I'm to blame for all of this.
I mean Cassidy never mentioned them fighting before.
Lucia continues crying my attempts to soothe her futile perhaps because I've never done this before.
"Let's go see your mama shall we miss Luci?"
I get her sheep out of the crib and she grabs it as soon as it's near her.
I chuckle as she cuddles the plushie and make my way towards the door.
I hesitate before opening it.
I open it slightly and peep outside.
Una sees me and moves so Riley won't be able to see me going from Lucia's room to Cassidy's.
I open the door and speed walk into Cassidy's room and close the door behind me.
Cassidy is covering her head with a pillow.
I sit on the corner of her bed with Lucia not knowing what to say or do.
"They've never argued like this before Eoghan"
The guilt hits me like a ton of bricks.
"I'm sorry Cass-"
"Why it's not like you caused the argument?"
"I kinda might have-"
She takes the pillow off her head and looks at me.
"I was coming out of your room after you fell asleep and decided to check in on Lucia before I left"
"I almost bumped into Riley when I was walking out and that's how it started"
Cassidy thinks about what I just said for a moment as the arguing seems the be heating up again outside.
She gets out of bed,opens the door and walks out Into the hallway.
She walks back in closes the door and flops onto her bed next to me.
They seem to have stopped arguing.
"Do you want to take Lucia?" I ask just incase she still doubts me with her.
"Yeah if you don't mind"
I give her Lucia,Lucia then in turn reaches out for me again.
I chuckle as Cassidy has a fake look of annoyance on her face.
"Child, I carried you for 40 weeks,Was in labour with you for 27 hours and you came out looking like your dad-"
I start laughing which earns a look from Cassidy.
"Then for the first six months of your life took care of you by myself, Child is you telling me that in the six months you know him your father is your favourite parent."
Lucia stars giggling at my laughter.
Cassidy smiles and starts kissing Lucia all over her face.
Lucia eruptes into that innocent baby laughter that could warm the coldest of hearts.
"Child even though every second of my pregnancy,labour and delivery and the first six months of your life were like torture now that I look back on it"
"You are worth every single millisecond of it"

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