Chpt 15

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(Eoghans pov)
It's about a month since the fog situation happened.
I have black marks all over my arms shoulders and neck.
I wonder if the marks are permanent.
I feel so sorry for Cassidy being sent back to her birth place.
To her original family.
But it's the only way she'll learn about her powers and how to use them and all that stuff.
Lucia misses her so much.
I think about how unsettled Lucia has been.
Usually she's wrapped in one of Cassidy's cardigans to keep her calm.
I made the decision to tell my parents about her and well...
It went better then I thought.
What am I saying they adore Lucia within five minutes of them meeting her she had then wrapped around her little finger.
I got a thorough talk through about supporting Cassidy and all that.
It hurts to have Cassidy away especially with Lucia.
I mean I don't know how long Cassidy will be gone but if it's more then a year I'm afraid that Lucia might forget her.
I mean we can show her pictures and videos of her but it's not the same.
The sad thing is I don't think Cassidy will be back anytime soon.
I hope for Lucia's sake that she inherits my powers and not just Cassidy's or a mixture of both.
Lucia hasn't shown any signs of being a supernatural but then again she's still technically a baby.

(Cassidy's pov)
My parents decided that it would be best to go back to my birth family for awhile so I can learn about my powers and how to use them and all that.
My birth mother died and my birth father hasn't been seen or heard from since I left.
Lucky for me nothing to do with my father's side of the family is supernatural.
I've moved in with my grandmother and aunt which I didn't know existed until I came back here.
I miss Eoghan,My family and my baby so much.
I wish I was brave enough to meet up with my friends and possibly go back to school before I left.
I don't know how long I'll be here but I don't think I'll be able to go back home for a long time.
It makes me so upset because Lucia won't be a baby when I get back she'll be a little girl.
I had to leave my phone behind because apparently magic or whatever messes with technology or something I don't really know.
I thought when I was gonna get here that I'd immediately learn how to use my powers and be back within a few months at most but there's so much more to this then I thought.
I've asked about Lucia getting my powers but I've found out that I'm unfortunately gonna have to wait to find out.

(3½ years later)
(Eoghans pov)
I wait outside the door for Lucia to come out of school.
It's been three and a half years since we've seen Cassidy.
She's writes every so often but nothing else beside that.
I look up from the ground and see Lucia skipping towards me holding a drawing.
I crouch down and we quickly hug before she lets go and does a little jump in excitement.
"Daddy wook at my dwrawing"
I chuckle slightly at her speech.
She only really talks like this when she's extremely excited.
She proudly shows off her drawing.

I smile at her misspelling it's adorable

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I smile at her misspelling it's adorable.
"Who's in the picture Luci?"
"That's you daddy" she points at the stick man drawn with the black crayon.
"Tha's me in pwink"
"Co'we in da puple"
"Nana aura in wellow"
"Andad in bwue"
"Wiley in geen"
"An Nana Una in Ugwy bwue"
I raise my eyebrow.
"Ella took the other co'wers there was only Ugwy bwue"
She nods her head as she says that.
"Where's your Mama Luc?"
"She nwot here so she's nwot in dwrawing"
She nods again and I don't really know how to respond.
Cassidy hasn't said when she's coming back or if she is so I haven't told Lucia anything about that.
I hope Cassidy will come back soon she's after missing out on so much already.
Lucia pretty much lives with me now.
I don't even know what the situation is with custody and I don't really care to be honest.
I mean I am her father and named so on her birth certificate and all that.
So I'm guessing that means I have full custody of Lucia since Cassidy has been out of the picture for pretty much three years.
But then again I don't really know.
It will probably go back to being split between the two of us when and if she returns.
I buckle Lucia into her car seat since she still can't fully do it herself yet.
We talk about unicorns on the way home.
I pull into the apartment block car park and find a spot to park in.
It's not an option to live in normal student accommodation with Lucia living with me.
God only knows what she'd see or experience if we lived there.
Instead I have a small apartment in a non student designated block.
It's has the basics.
Two rooms one for Lucia and one for me. (Although she does sneak into my room most nights for cuddles)
A bathroom and kitchen come living room.
It's basic but all we need.
When we get in the door and take off our shoes she runs to the fridge so she can put the picture on with a magnet.
I close the door and smile as she proudly desplays her drawing.
"What do you want for dinner after swimming lessons Luci?"
She does a star jump as I chuckle.
"Go get your stuff ready for swimming"
She races to her room.
My phone goes off.
Caller id: Cas💜
I stare at the screen in absolute shock.
Cassidy must be back.
"Daddy where's my bag?"
"In your wardrobe"
She races back into her room.
I answer the call just before it goes to missed call.
"Hi Eoghan"
Her voice sends shivers down my spine.
"Are you back for long or just a little bit?"
"I don't know how much longer in back for Eoghan"
"It's in your wardrobe somewhere Luci"
"Sorry about that cas-"
"Don't worry she must be a very busy four year old-"
"She's almost five now"
"Oh god is that really how much time I've missed.."
"Are you going somewhere with her Eoghan-"
"Just her swimming Lessons"
"Does she have to go or can she come to see me?"
"I'll let her choose"
I put the phone on mute for now.
"Luci can you come here for a few minutes?"
"She comes out of her room in a tutu and a shirt that probably three sizes too small for her.
I take my phone off mute.
"Do you want to go to swimming lessons or go see your mama?"
She looks at me in confusion and a little bit of shock.
"I don't wanna see Mama.."
Her eyes start to tear up and she runs back into her room.
"Cassidy I'm gonna have to call you back-"
"I understand bye"
I hang up put my phone in my pocket and go into Lucia's room.
It looks like it's been hit by a tornado there's clothes and toys everywhere from her going through her wardrobe trying to find her bag.
I sit next to her cuddling her sheep on her bed.
She glances at me for a second and the turns back to cuddling her sheep.
I pick her up and hold her close.
"What's wrong Luci?"
"W-wwhy is she back.."
She sniffles and rubs her nose against the sheep.
"Because she's done with her training sweetie"
"I-Iii don't want to see her"
She turns her head to hide her face.
"Why don't you want to see let Luci?"
She gasps and starts sniffling again.
I rub her back hoping it will help calm her down.
"Do you want to go to swimming then we can come back here?"
"Or maybe we can skip swimming tonight?"
She stays silent.
"Or maybe we can go for a walk and get ice cream?"
Her head perks up when I mention ice cream.
"And maybe we can go to that shop and get you that Rainbow unicorn bathbomb?"
She sits up fully now with her sheep to her nose and mouth trying to cover her sniffles.
"I like ice cream"
"So we're going to get ice cream and a bathbomb?"

I look at Lucia eating her ice-cream.
She's so happy I don't know how to tell her that she's gonna have to talk to Cassidy soon.
She nods with the soon in her mouth.
"Why don't you want to meet her?"
She takes the spoon out of her mouth and pokes at the ice cream.
"Does she love me daddy?"
My heart breaks slightly as she says this.
"Of course she does Luci"
"Then why didn't she visit or send me a letter..."
I don't know how to respond truthfully because I don't know the answer myself.
"Why don't you ask her?"
"I don't want her to take me away!"
She squims and kinds huddles into a ball.
So that's why she doesn't want to meet her she's afraid that Cassidy will take her away from me.
"Sweetie she won't take you away from me"
"I promise"
She pokes at the ice cream some more her appetite gone.
"Let's go get you bathbomb and then maybe we can watch a movie?"
"Yes daddy"
She scoops some of the now basically melted ice cream into her mouth.
"You gonna have to meet her sometime-"
"Only if you stay with me daddy"
"Of course I will Luci"
She nods and drinks the rest of the ice cream from the paper container thing.
"Can we get the bathbomb now?"
She hops off the chair and pushes it back into the table as I follow suit.
My phone goes off again.
"Daddy who is it?"
I take out my phone and check.
"It's your Mama Luci"
"Let's get your bathbomb and I can call her back later?"
I decline the call and put the phone in my pocket again.
"Let's go Luci"
"Oki daddy"

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