Chpt 16

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(Eoghans pov)
And so just like that the time has come.
Lucia is clutching onto my hand as if her life depends on it.
I don't think she's ever been this nervous for anything.
We decided that it would be best for Luci if we met up at Cassidy's house since Lucia has her own bedroom there and would be able to escape it became too much.
We get to the front door and she clutches onto my arm.
"Do you want to open it or will I?"
I crouch down too look at her.
She looks at the ground silent.
I tilt her chin up "You don't have to do this Luci"
She wraps her arms around my neck and I know she wants me to carry her.
I don't usually do this anymore but I think today is an acceptable exception.
I pick her up and she hides her face by kinda burrying it into my neck.
I open the door and walk in.
I'm greeted quickly by Cassidy's mother.
"Cassidy is in her room if you want to talk to her first?"
I wonder why she didn't come down from her bedroom.
"I think I'll take Lucia to her bedroom to talk before we go to see Cassidy"
Her mother nods and I go upstairs and into Lucia's room closing the door behind us.
I sit down on Lucia's bed and cradle her.
She's not crying which suprises me a little bit she's probably just scared.
"Do you want to stay here with your sheep and I talk to her first?"
She nods and I sit her down on the bed.
I kiss her cheek before I get up and go to the door.
I wave goodbye before going out and closing the door again.
I walk to Cassidy's room the door is closed.
I knock on the door and she opens it,I walk in and close it quickly.
I look at Cassidy for the first time in three years.
She's changed so much.
Her body looks more feminine and muscular, Face hardened and scared.
She has a couple of piercings and has dyed her hair a sorta pinkish purple colour.
I don't think I've changed much since she's last seen me because she doesn't seem to be looking at me.
"Hi Cas-"
"Hello Eoghan"
We stand there in awkward silence for a few moments.
"Where is Lucia?"
"She's in her room calming down"
Cassidy nods and there is yet another awkward silence.
"How did you get on?"
"Good it was challenging at first but got easier as time went on"
"Your powers are under control now?"
"Has Lucia shown any signs?"
"No nothing yet"
She lets out a sigh of relief.
I step closer to her Instinctively.
She doesn't back away she stands still as stone.
I get closer and close the gap between us.
It's been so long is it wrong that I want to kiss her.
I'm guessing that she's thinking along the same lines because she doesn't back away.
I tilt her chin up and look into her eyes.
And for the first time in three or four years our lips connect.
I wrap my arms around her as the kiss deepens.
It doesn't take long for it to almost become more then just a kiss but now isn't the time.
I break the kiss and let her out of my arms.
She looks at me her expression unreadable.
"I'll get Luci"
I exit the room quickly before my desires build up.
I take a breather before going into Lucia's room.
When I go in she's hiding under the covers of her bed.
She peeps out from under the blanket.
I nod slightly and she gets out from under the covers and gets out of the bed slowly.
She grabs her sheep and holds it close walk to me and taking my hand.
"You ready"
She nods and we walk out of her room and to Cassidy's door.
I open the door and walk in.
Cassidy looks at Lucia and Lucia looks at her sheep.
I crouch down and put and arm around Lucia who I'm afraid might start balling her eyes out any second.
Cassidy crouchs down to Lucia's level and looks at her quizzically.
"Hello Lucia"
"Hi.." her voice is bearly audible and I start to feel sorry for her.
"Your so big now Lucia,Last time I saw you you were only a year old"
Lucia doesn't respond and focuses only on her sheep.
Cassidy looks lost for words.
"I missed you so much Lucia"
"Then why didn't you send me a letter.."
Cassidy looks shocked,I fully expected it and honestly don't know why Cassidy didn't.
"Because you were too young darling-"
"Daddy could have read them to me"
Cassidy looks conflicted.
"My name is Lucia not sweetie!"
Cassidy and I look at Lucia in shock.
Lucia is visibly annoyed.
"Daddy can we go home?"
I nod in response and remove my arm from around her.
She quickly runs out of the room leaving me and Cassidy looking at eachother in shock.
After a minute I get up.
"I better go after her"
"She'll warm up to you I promise"
I get up and say My Goodbyes before going to Lucia who looks like she's going to throw a fit.
I close her bedroom door, walk to her and crouch down.
"Luci are you angry?"
"Why are you angry Luci?"
"Because she's pretending Daddy"
"What is she pretending about?"
"Caring! She doesn't care Daddy"

(Cassidy's pov)
"She doesn't care Daddy!"
My heart breaks when I hear this.
Yes it is true that I didn't write.
In my defense I tried to shut out the thought of her because of how much it hurt to think that she's after growing up and I'm after missing it all.
I don't blame her for being angry at me I understand it.
I wish I could hold her close in my arms but she's made it clear that she doesn't want to be near me.
I don't want her to get extremely attached to me because I might have to go back.
I'm technically not supposed to be back yet but my grandmother said that Lucia might be a teenager by the time is finished.
But I also missed Eoghan and the connection.
It's still alive that kiss we had today proved it that there's still something between us.
I didn't think I'd be that desperate for him.
But he's changed so much since I've last seen him.
He's obviously older and and more muscular.
What am I saying he's literally sex on legs.
I wish that that kiss could have continued because it escalated quickly and left me with lustful desires.
Maybe I should ask him on a date and all that.
But he seems extremely focused on Lucia.
Maybe that's the way he thought of me when he first entered Lucia's life.
I was so focused on being an adult that I didn't forgive myself for being a teenager.
I peek out of my bedroom window and watch as Eoghans car pulls out of the drive.
I solitary tear runs down my face.
They are so close yet so far away.

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