Chpt 14

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I've grown to hate hospitals.
Ever since my first appointment with my tiny basically non existent baby bump.
I remember being so mortified going into the maternity ward being the only teenager getting those looks.
How I wish I had Eoghan with me now that I look back on it.
I've always been insisting that I'm not stubborn but thinking about now I still refuse to believe that I'm stubborn.
I remember how terrified I was when I was in labour and giving birth to Lucia.
After she was born I didn't want to look at her or acknowledge her existence.
It took me about three months for me to want to be around her and somewhat act like a mother.
I wonder how Eoghan is getting on taking care of Lucia.
I can't wait to go home this place is miserable.

(Eoghans pov)
I look at Lucia wondering what we should do for the day.
Maybe the park?
I really don't know.
Maybe I should call Chloé or take her to my house.
Oh right my parents can't know about her yet.
To be honest I'm getting kinda annoyed that Cassidy doesn't want them to know about her.
If they were going to get angry all that anger would be directed at me.
I stand Lucia up and hold her hands to walk her around the room.
She looks at me quizzically.
She probably has never done this before.
I pick her up when my phone goes off.
I look at the caller.
It's my mother.
I answer it.
"Eoghan where are you!?"
"I'm at a friend's house"
She goes off about me being missing for two days with no notice.
"I'll be back tomorrow I promis-"
I pause and look at Lucia in shock.
The only word she's ever said clearly has been seep.
I kiss the top of her head as she starts to count her fingers clearly after moving on from the moment.
I'm still in shock I can't believe she said something else other then Seep.
Realization hits me like a ton of bricks.
My mother heard it she heard Lucia Calling me Dada.
"I'll call you back-"
I hang up before she has a chance to say anything else.
I love Lucia so much but she couldn't have chosen a worse time then when to call me Dada.
There's no way I can come up with a plausible excuse for this.
I put my phone in my pocket and look at Lucia who is currently babbling and counting her fingers.
I think I'll take her to the park I need fresh air.

I push Lucia on the swing as she squels in delight.
There is some other people around but they probably think I'm babysitting a sibling or younger cousin.
That gives me some peace of mind.
I don't know how to tell Cassidy about this.
She's going to get unnecessarily anxious.
A few senarios take over my train of thought.
I look at Lucia and take her out of the swing as she looks like she's had enough of it.
I really don't know how to tell Cassidy.
Lucia rests her head on my shoulder and cuddles close.
My phone goes off again.
Caller ID says Cassidy this time.
I answer it.
"Hello Cas"
"Did you take Lucia out?"
"Yeah we're at the park"
"Oh ok I'm back home now"
I pause for a second wondering if I should tell her.
"We'll be back soon-"
"Also we need to talk Cas"
"Is everything ok Eoghan.."
"Of course it is pomodoro"
"See you soon"
I hang up and shove my phone in my pocket.

Cassidy and I look at eachother neither knowing what to say.
"Maybe you could say that you're baby sitting and had to correct the kid?"
"No I would have told her that I had to work as a babysitter instead of just leaving without notice"
"How did she sound in the call?"
"Confused and shocked"
Cassidy puts her head in her hands.
"Cassidy they were going to find out at some point-"
She stands up and clenches her fists.
I look at her a strange energy radiating from her.
A strange black smoke like stuff starts making its way from her hands ands weaving around her arms.
"Cassidy you need to calm down"
"I am calm"
The black smoke continues to grow plunging the area around her in darkness.
I falter for a second.
I slowly make my way to her entering the thick black fog entering the danger zone.
I reach out can grab her clenched fists.
We look eachother in the eyes.
Her eyes soften as she exhales.
Within a second the fog drops the the floor and disperses into nothing.
She sorta flops against me as I quickly wrap my arms around her. She puts her arms around me and we sorta hug for a few minutes.
I stroke her hair and kiss the top of her head.
"What happened Cas?"
"I don't know Eoghan.."
I hold her closer, why was my question making her so upset.
Maybe her powers or whatever that was is something negative.
I've seen many many supernatural creatures and abilities.
Even with being one myself I've never seen anyone or anything like her.
Will Lucia inherent her powers?
Cassidy sounds like she has no clue about them herself or how to control them.
How will she be able to teach Lucia to control and use her powers is she can control them herself.
Cassidy seems to know what I'm thinking.
"Relax Eoghan my powers can't be passed on"
"I wasn't born with my powers I was cursed with them or whatever"
I gulp trying to get rid of the lead lump that's formed at the back of my throat.
"Cassidy your powers can still be passed down.."
She gets out of my embrace and stands looking me hard in the eyes.
"What do you mean my powers can be passed on"
"Cassidy once you are given powers in any sort of way they could possibly be passed down"
I don't know what to say.
But one thing I know for certain is that Cassidy isn't a monster.
She never has been and never will be.
"You are not a monster Cassidy"
Just as quickly as that black fog disappeared it reappears.
As the room grows darker and darker it's getting harder and harder to breath.
Something heavy is on my chest the fog clogging my air ways leaving me gasping for breath.
As the black fog chokes me I reach out into the blackness trying to find the door out.
I find the handle but I can't get out I'm trapped.
I start getting lightheaded I take a few steps which direction I don't know all of a sudden I drop.
I gasp for air once before the unconscious takes over.

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