Chpt 17

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(Eoghans pov)
After all the commotion Lucia practically fell asleep in the first part of the journey home.
I feel so bad for Lucia.
Her whole world has been turned inside out.
I missed Cassidy so much.
I pull into the car park taking my usual spot.

I tuck Luci into bed and kiss her forehead.
I go to the kitchen and start making her school Lunch for tomorrow.
I hope her and Cassidy can get closer.
They're both so stubborn.
My phone goes off.
I'm seriously thinking that thing never stops ringing.
I wipe my hands on my pants and answer it.
"Hello Eoghan"
"Hi Cassidy"
"How is Lucia?"
"She's asleep"
"Do you want to meet up?"
"By ourselves or with Lucia?"
"Ourselves, Like a date?"
"Um sure-"
"What day is the best?"
"Maybe tomorrow I can get my mother to pick Lucia up from school?"
"Ok- tomorrow It is"
"See you then"
"Bye Cas"
I hang up and put my phone to charge.
I finish making Lucia's Lunch completely lost in thought.
I don't know if I should go on that date especially since her and Lucia arnt close.
Knowing Cassidy and I it will end up being more then an innocent date.
It's so hard to resist her especially since our connection.
If the red string of faith was real I think that we'd have one.
I don't really know how to get closer to Cassidy if Lucia is refusing to acknowledge Cassidy's existence.
It almost feels like I'm going behind Lucia's back.
Maybe I shouldn't feel guilty.
Lucia is only a kid.
I put her lunch in the fridge.

I crouch down and kiss Lucia on the cheek.
"Remember Nana Laura is collecting you from school today"
"Daddy I know I'm no Baba"
One of Lucia's friends wave's at her and she runs off excitedly.
I walk out of the school yard and back to the car getting in and closing the door quickly.
Cassidy didn't exactly tell me where she wants to meet but sent the coordinates.
I put them into Google maps and make my way to wherever it is.

Eventually I get to the spot its a small café near a river.
I park and get out this place has a sense of whimsical charm.
Lucia would absolutely love it here but would probably get annoyed with the long journey to get here.
I lock the car and walk to the bridge over looking the river feeling a sense of calmness wash over me.
"Hey Eoghan"
Cassidy's voice snaps me out if my thoughts.
She stands next to me and looks at the river aswell.
"Hi Cas"
"Sorry for making you take such a journey"
"I don't mind this place is amazing, Luci would love it here"
"Nickname for Lucia everyone in my family calls her Luci"
"How did your family react to her?"
"They absolutely adore her, The second my parents saw her she had them wrapped around her little finger"
"So I was anxious about nothing?"
"I don't blame you for being anxious, My mother was annoyed with me though"
"I'm guessing she was annoyed for obvious reasons?"
Silence takes its place again.
"Is Lucia ok after what happened?"
"She's good"
I left out the part where she went on a rant about how much she hates Cassidy.
It's actually kinda sad to think that Cassidy didn't have much of a choice but to leave for the safety of those she loves.
Lucia is too young to understand this.
It's amazing how much she missed Cassidy in the first few months and slowly she forgot about her existence.
I hope their bond can be repaired but it's not looking hopeful at the moment.
"Let's go get something to eat?"
I nod and Cassidy links arms with me.
Her confidence has definitely increased since she's left.
We walk arm in arm until we reach the café.
We go inside and the sweet smell of pastries and coffee invites us in further.
We sit down at a table and make mostly small talk for the whole thing.
Mostly Talking about Lucia.
Probably the only thing we have in common at the moment.
Mostly basic questions like her favourite things and her dislikes.
(Not including Cassidy)
The conversation moves from Lucia to college and what Cas is going to study next year since she decided to take a gap year.
We must be in that café for a few hours absorbed in our own little bubble which a ring from my phone quickly Bursts.
I shoot and apologetic look at Cassidy and answer it.

(Cassidy's pov)
It's a little disheartening that he answered a call and got up and walked away in the middle of a date.
I didn't think he was the type to abandon a date for a phone call.
He sits down hastily putting his phone In his pocket.
"Sorry about that Cas it was Lucia's school"
Oh now it makes sense why he answered it.
"Is she ok?"
"She threw up"
I nod not really knowing how to answer that,he must've gotten somone to collect her since he hasn't left himself.
"Who's picking her up?"
"My mother she was going to collect her after school anyway"
Silence envelopes us in its uncomfortable presence.
"Do you want to go to the next place?"
"There's another?"
"Eoghan I've a whole day planned out"
I stand up and take his hand pulling him out of the chair.
"Let's go"
He looks slightly confused.
I take his hand and drag him out of the café breathing in the fresh air.
"Where are we going next Cas?"
"Can I drive your car?"
My question makes him confused.
He gives me his keys reluctantly.

An hour passed of us talking about everything and nothing in the car.
I pull up near a river which makes him raise is brow in curiousity.
"Let's go!"
I sit kinda shocked at the excited tone in my voice.
I shake my head and get out of the car.
He follows suit and I toss the keys back to him.
"What is the plan Cas?"
"We're going swimming"
"But I have no swim shorts?"
"I don't have a swim suit either!"
Why do I sound like an excited school girl.
I go over to the passenger side of the car grab his hand and spirit to the ledge of the river.
I quickly strip off my clothes to just my underwear and jump into the freezing cold water.
Eoghan looks at me as if he's questioning my life choices for me.
I swim around to warm up.
Eoghan strips off awkwardly and jumps in aswell.
I giggle as he swims around in circles to warm himself up eventually giving up because his efforts are futile.
He swims over to me and wraps his arms around me pulling me close.
He plants tingling kisses all over my neck and face causing me to giggle.
"Your body is hotter then mine so I'm not letting you go"
I blush at what he says as it has a double meaning.
"And there she is my pomodoro is back~"
I kinda freeze at the realisation that I'm blushing.
He turns me around so we're face to face.
I look into his chocolate brown eyes.
It's weird how at home I feel whenever I look into those eyes, almost like I feel all my problems and the world's melt away.
I kinda wish that Lucia ended up getting his eyes.
Our lips connect and an electric like surge goes through me.
The kiss deepens and my hands begin to roam.
His body is so much more toned and muscular then the last time my hands roamed it.
The kiss breaks as we both gasp for air.
Our looks of desperation evident.
"Let's go to the last spot~"
He lets me out of his arms and I take his hand swimming to where we jumped in.
There is a tall ledge leading up to the diving spot.
I put my hand to it and an entrance to a secret bunker thingy is revealed.
I step inside pulling and extremely fascinated Eoghan with me.
The entrance conceals itself again.
The torches on the wall begin to burn their light much welcomed.
"What is this place?"
"It's like an underground living place"
"It's amazing"
"Enough about this place"
I kiss him with hunger greed and desperation.
I finally act upon my deepest desires.
Bliss pure Bliss

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