Chpt 18

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I wake up the next morning laying on top of Eoghans chest.
My body aches from all of yesterday's events.
I think Eoghan and I both acted upon our deepest desires.
I get up and wince as my legs come together.
I'm swollen and sore but it was so damn worth it.

Eoghan and I go into his apartment.
It's small but has enough room for him and Lucia.
I take off my shoes as he closes the door.
"That's Lucia's room and mine is next to it"
I nod not really needing this information.
"Want to put on a movie or something?"
"Yeah sure"
"Chloe is coming over later with Lucia"
"Should I go somewhere else before Lucia gets here?"
"Not if you don't want to"
I sit down on the couch and pull a Barbie doll from under me.
"Does she like Barbie's?"
"Not really she prefers her sheep"
Eoghan goes into the kitchen and start making food.
"Does she still call sheep 'Seep'?"
"No but her plush sheep's name is Seep"
I nod and throw the Barbie to the other side of the couch.
"So have you been with anyone else?"
"Believe it or not no, I don't go out or clubbing or anything plus I wouldn't bring home somone when Lucia lives here it's not safe"
"How about when she goes to your parents for the night or whatever?"
"I usually study and clean"
I nod.
"Have you been with anyone else Cas?"
"I kissed a few other people but nothing else"
He nods and turns his attention back to cooking.
Ok that was a flat up lie I hooked up with a guy about a year and a half ago but he doesn't need to know besides it's irrelevant.
I take out my phone and aimlessly scroll through Instagram.
The door opens and Chloe comes in the door holding Lucia who is tightly wrapped in a blanket.
I sit up and Chloe looks at me in pure and utter shock.
Eoghan comes out of the kitchen area and takes the sleeping Lucia from Chloe's arms.
Chloe runs to the couch and throws herself on me.
She hugs me as I wince.
"I missed you so much"
I push her off and we sit like normal people on the couch.
She grabs my arm and puts it in the muscle flexing position.
"Damn Cassidy you've gotten buff"
"Thanks Chloé" I reply awkwardly.
"I love your hair did you dye it yourself or go to a hairdresser"
"My aunt dyed it for me"
"I aspire to be that cool aunt for Luci"
"I think you already are Chloe"
Eoghan chips into the conversation.
Lucia is awake but it seems that she's abit out of it.
Eoghan is kinda rocking her I don't really know how to describe it.
"Mam gave Luci medicine about an hour ago"
Eoghan nods and brings Lucia into her room.
Chloe turns her attention back to me.
What is with that family the whole lot look like they could be celebrity models.
"I know you're probably wondering where Milo is"
I honestly didn't think much about him.
"He's in a penthouse in new York on his third husband and probably his 300th plastic surgery"
I nod.
"He got married to that guy from the party when he turned 18, They divorced and he moved onto husband number two"
While Chloe is explaining Milos life story I try to imagine how ridiculous he looks with all that plastic surgery.
I mean he honestly didn't look that bad before.
He might have been on the shorter side but he wasn't bad looking by any means.
"Enough about everyone else what about you"
I shake my head.
"Yeah I've been good"
Eoghan comes out of Lucia's room and goes back to cooking.
"How about your powers, what are they?"
"I still don't know what to call them myself"
"But like you gave Eoghan all of those black scar things"
I look at the floor in guilt.
"I think they look Wicked cool"
"Speak for yourself Chloe"
"Shut up Eoghan you're not helping the situation"
Eoghan rolls his eyes.
"So any plans to give me another niece or nephew"
I feel the blush burning across my face.
Eoghan and I look at eachother with the same look of mortification.
Chloe looks between Eoghan and I.
"Chloe fuck off we aren't having another kid"
I laugh nervously.
Chloe eyes me suspiciously.
"Yeah I agree with Eoghan I don't want another kid"
There's something about what I just said that something deep inside of me doesn't agree with.
I push that feeling away for now.
"Besides Chloe I think you should be the next person to have a kid"
"I honestly would but I don't think my boyfriend wants any"
"Eoghan can you piss off I want to talk to Cassidy about vaginas and periods or someshit"
Eoghan goes into Lucia's room shaking his head.
"So Cassidy I need your help"
I raise my eyebrow.
"I do want to have a kid but my boyfriend doesn't so what do I do?"
"Um I don't know my pregnancy obviously wasn't planned-"
"I've tried talking him into it but he says we're too young"
"Maybe just wait it out then-"
"I don't think I can wait much longer"
"Why do you want a kid so bad?"
"There's just something inside me that desperately wants one"
I look at Chloe and consider her for abit.
Even if she is desperate to have a kid I don't know if she's ready for one.
I mean I am a mother yet I'm not ready for the full responsibility of the role.
Yes I did take care of Lucia until I had to go away but I'm not ready to fully take on the role of a mother yet.
"Maybe you should wait until you finish college and get a job Chloe?"
"That's what my mother said but I don't think I can wait that long"
"Like I've been baby sitting Luci since like forever so my boyfriend would get the hint"
"Maybe he doesn't need the hint he probably knows but doesn't want any himself"
"He doesn't not want kids-
We go silent,I can hear Eoghan soothing Lucia and the oven humming.
"I'm going to go check on Lucia and Eoghan-"
Chloe nods as I get up and walk to Lucia's room.
I go inside and see Eoghan laying next to Lucia on her bed Whispering to her and playing with her hair.
He turns to me and I stand awkwardly.
A few moments pass and I walk over to her bed sitting on the edge of it.
Lucia is awake but in a fever haze.
"Do you want me to get medicine for her?"
"I'll get it Cas can you stay here with her?"
He gets up and I move next to Lucia.
She looks at me in confusion but doesn't like she doesn't want me to be there.
I trace my fingers along her forehead squeezing lightly at her temples.
I do this for a few minutes before she nods off to sleep.
I lay down next to her and continue tracing my fingers around her forehead.
I feel a wave of tiredness wash over me.
Pretty soon I slip into a deep sleep of my own.

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