Chpt 20

12 2 0

Things between Eoghan and I have been getting rocky.
He seems to be distancing himself.
I look that the picture in my hands from six years ago.
Lucia was only about 8 months old.
Things although so much harder then things were also so much happier.
Mostly it's my fault.
I've been too afraid to get closer to my own daughter.
Forgetting myself that she doesn't remember me.
I need to talk to Eoghan so we can go through the process of him Getting full custody.
I got a letter from my aunt saying my grandmother is dying.
I don't think I'll ever come back once I go.
Lucia and Eoghan deserve to be happy.
I'm like a wet blanket.

(Eoghans pov)
And so that was that the papers were signed and Cassidy was gone again.
Luci is confused all over again.
I shouldn't have promised her things that were never going to happen.
But when Cassidy first came back she didn't tell me that she'd ever go back.
I thought she was here to stay.
Luci is so down it's sad to look at her like this.
But I don't think there is much I can do to help her.
Although she'll never admit it I think she loved having Cassidy around.
Even if she wasn't one of the major team players she supported from the sidelines.
The day after Cassidy left Luci begin being able to use her powers.
Although extremely weak compared to what they will be.
There is something so beautifully sad about it.
Even though we don't have the same powers I've been helping her learn how to use and control them to the best of my ability.
She's been making that black smoke shape into flowers with white sparkles.
Unlike Cassidy's eyes which seemed to get duller,Luci's seem to get brighter and sparkle whenever she uses her powers.
She uses her powers basically whenever she gets the chance now.
I let her.
Cassidy was afraid of her powers and supressed her powers.
Lucia will never go down that path I refuse to let that ever happen.
As long as I'm alive nothing bad is ever going to come her way.
When she learns that life is nothing but unfairness and cruelty she'll have amazing memories to look back on.
Memories to build a better future on.

(Cassidy's pov)
This can't be happening not now not ever.
I can't do this again.

The end.

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