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a/n: diana's name is pronounced like dee-ah-nah. not die-anna. :^) girl in the picture is diana! enjoy! also, dedicated to Lexie for somewhat inspiring this story with her magical realm idea. :-) go check out her story Ravensdale! :D


"What if you could dream up a world and just live there?" I ask, looking at my best friend who was grabbing his keys from his backpack.

"Diana, stop with the nonsense." He says.

"Liam, this isn't nonsense. You know how we have to write a short story for English or we don't graduate? What if I write about that?" I ask as Liam unlocks his car.

"D, you and I both know damn well that I don't care what you write about. Get in the car and shut up for Gods sake." Liam responds.

My eyes widen, "Who pissed in your cereal this morning, douche bag?"

Liam huffs and sits in his car and starts the ignition. He looks at me through the passenger window and gives me a questioning look. I sigh and roll my eyes, getting into his old beat up pick up truck that has been handed down through his family for generations.

"Sorry, D. I don't know why I'm taking my anger out on you. Sophie broke up with me and I guess I just should've seen it coming." He says as we begin to pull out of the car lot.

To be honest, I was used to Liam's little outbursts. He has been having them ever since he was able to talk, according to his parents. Liam was my absolute best friend, and our fifteen years of friendship was enough to prove it. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about him, from the simple things like his favourite sport to the little things like why bears are his favourite animal and why he hates his middle name.

Liam looks at me when we stop at a traffic light. "Diana, please forgive me. I can't lose you either."

I look at him, his brown eyes dull and his pink lips pouty. I cock my head to the side and look at him, sighing as I do so. "You could never lose me, even if you killed me. My spirit would haunt you." I chuckle.

Liam grabs my hand as we drive and runs his thumb across the top of my knuckles. I look down and notice he did this a lot when he was sad, and it made me happy to know that I was the one he could look to for comfort. Liam parked the car outside my house and looked at me. He was smiling, but I didn't know why. I smiled back, he kissed my cheek and I opened the door, grabbing my bag off of the floor as I stood up.

"Do you still want me to edit your paper?" Liam asked through the rolled down window and I turned around to face him.

"Would I have it any other way?" I ask as I fish through my bag for my keys.

I can see Liam chuckle a bit before waving and then driving off.

When I arrive inside, I can hear my parents yelling at one another and I walk up the stairs quickly. My older sister, Delaney, is sitting there with her boyfriend Toby and watching The Real World on MTV. She and Toby smile and wave at me as I make my way to my bedroom and shut the door.

I hated coming home after school, or any occasion, for that matter. My parents were always fighting nowadays. I sighed and plopped on my bed after turning on my light. The scent of roses filled my nostrils and I smile lightly. I reach over and grab my laptop and sit up in a somewhat comfortable position and decide to plan out my story for English.

After a few hours of going through minor details, Delaney runs in. "Diana! You and me, frozen yogurt. Now." She says.

I don't oblige; I'm just glad to get out of the house. Mum and Dad have been fighting all evening and I didn't want to hear anymore of it. I grab my notebook and pencil, and then Delaney and I walk down the stairs and we sneak out to the garage and get in her car. As we drive, she turns on the radio. Both of us are silent. We didn't really want to talk, but just revel in the music. I sunk lower into my seat as she changed the station to some song I didn't really know.

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