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Telling Dean about my other life was heart breaking. Although he seemed like he enjoyed it, he also seemed hurt by the fact that he was just a figment of my imagination. I told him about Juliet, Count Julian, Mum and Dad and that she was pregnant, about Liam and Sophie, about Delaney and Toby... He had so many questions, though. After I answered them, he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I don't want you to leave though. I like it when you're here, Diana. I don't have any friends outside of the castle. It's just you and Delaney for me." He admits, and I feel my heart drop into my stomach.

I told you, heart breaking.

"Hey kid, don't think about that right now. I don't think I'll be going back to the real world anytime soon. As long as I'm here in Ricardiana, you'll always have me." I tell him.

He gives me a forced smile and I pull on Sugar's reigns. "Don't give me that look, kid. Now you're just making me feel even worse."

"Sorry, it's just hard to accept, you know?" He says.

"Oh believe me, I know."

"Anyway, do you think Delaney is really pregnant?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. Wouldn't surprise me, honestly, knowing how she is here." I tell him as we ride off.


The castle is quiet when Dean and I arrive. The Count is nowhere to be found (luckily, I don't know what I'd do if I had to encounter him and Delaney in the same place), and I walk to Delaney's sleeping chambers. I had to apologize otherwise I would feel terrible for the rest of my life.

I knock on the door. "Come in, Rosie! It's open."

I open the door. "It's Diana."

"In that case, leave." She says, her voice suddenly cold.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I was acting earlier." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and plops on her bed.

"You're never going to be forgiven." Delaney's voice I harsh as she eyes me down.

"Your loss." I say, walking out.

"Because of you, I am no longer going to be eligible for the crown."

"You're seriously blaming your pregnancy on me? I don't go out and have sex for a good time, need I remind you."

Delaney rolls her eyes again. "Now that you told, I cannot have the crown at all. So yes, I'm blaming you."

"Whatever, I don't want anything to do with you right now. Before you know it, you'll be kicked out and kissing my feet, begging for forgiveness." I mutter as I walk towards her door.

"Do you hear yourself right now? You're acting like you already have the crown!"

"And you're acting like I'm not even your sister!" I scream.

Delaney's mouth shuts and she and I make eye contact. We had never fought like this before. Sure, we fought over the little things like who got the shower first, who got the last slice of cake, and over the book we wanted to read, but nothing like this. I felt like I was in a prime time soap opera and I couldn't get out. I hated it.

I walk out in anger and disregard my parents wishes to stay inside of the castle past dinner. I go to the stable, tears streaming down my face, and saddle up Sugar again. Liam is outside feeding the horses and approaches me.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Diana, are you alright?" He asks, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"It doesn't matter. Go have fun with Juliet." I say, getting on Sugar's back and taking off.

Rain begins to fall down around me, but Sugar and I don't stop. We keep going, past the diving stream, past Bartholomew's house, and even further than that. It's pitch black outside now, rain is falling hard and for a moment I wonder if I'm back in the real world. I realize that I'm not when other horses and lanterns come racing towards Sugar and I.

"Diana! It's not safe for you to be out here by yourself!" Julian says, Liam and Bartholomew behind him.

"I do not care! If I wish to be by my lonesome, I shall!" I yell back.

Liam and his horse come closer to me. I hold my breath. "Diana, please, come back home."

"I will when I want to!" I scream. I was crying, but you couldn't tell. "You cannot make me go home. The patriarchy is a stupid thing and I want no part of it!" I scream.

I can't believe I just said that. Julian and Bartholomew ride closer to me. "The patriarchy? Are you alright, Diana?" Julian asks.

"I'm just fine! Leave me be, please!" I say.

Did they not know that I wanted to be left alone? I pull on Sugar's reigns and take off, hoping they don't catch up to me. Before I know it, Sugar is running in water and I stop her, and turn her around. The rain has somewhat cleared and I get off of her, and let her frolic and drink the water. Horse hoofs, but not as many as I expected. A lantern. Liam.

a/n: hi I know this is super short but I'm trying to make this book seem longer by adding chapters! and here is another pun for all of u lovelies.

when you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.

RicardianaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora