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By the time I begin making my way back towards the castle, Count Julian and Delaney are riding along the path as well.

"Diana, fancy seeing you here." Delaney says, obviously not happy that I had unintentionally ruined her plans to get close to the Count.

"Really? I've been out since before lunch, not that you would've noticed." I remark.

Count Julian looks between both of us and then clears his throat. "Princess, what trails would recommend we follow?" He asks, breaking the tension between Delaney and I.

I shrug my shoulders, "I like following the stream."

The Count and Delaney both nod. "Thank you, Princess. Are you ready, Delaney?" The Count asks as they race off.

It killed me to know that Delaney and I were in a silly argument over a man. It was stupid and petty, in my opinion. I missed the real Delaney; in fact I missed the real world, but I was getting used to the royalty (I liked that bit.). Sugar and I trotted around, passing the time until I actually wanted to go home. The sky was grey and cloudy but it was somewhat warm, it must've been the humidity.

"Diana!" A voice calls. Bartholomew, with none other than Liam himself.

"Bartholomew! Lovely to see you!" I exclaim, happy to see a familiar friendly face.

Bartholomew smiles back, Liam avoiding my gaze as per usual. "You as well. How has your day been?"

"Fine I suppose, nothing that has gotten under my skin." I say, and Liam looks up.

"Aren't you going to ask us why we are on your side of the stream?" Liam asks.

"No, I have no reason to."

"But we are poor, we don't belong here." Liam says. Now he is trying to get a rise out of me.

"Then leave." I say simply, not wanting to play this game.

Liam looks at me, his brown eyes wide and they look hurt. Bartholomew looks at both of our faces, then looks at his horse, and then at mine. "What's your horses name?" He asks.

"Her name is Sugar." I answer.

"That's a lovely name! I can see why you named her that." He says.

It was obvious why her name was Sugar. She was a white horse with a white mane and she was sweet as Sugar.

"What about yours?"



"So, are we done with this lame conversation or do I have to sit here and listen for however long this may drag on?" Liam asks.

"Actually, I would like to invite you two to dinner tonight. With me. At the castle." I say.

Liam's eyes widen and his jaw drops. "You're so full of crap."

"No, I'm being serious. Would you two gentlemen like to accompany me to dinner?"

Bartholomew and Liam exchange glances, but then nod anyway. "I suppose."

I smile. "Great. You should probably change into something nicer. You don't want to smell like horse poo."


Dinner time was filled with an awkward silence. The Count and Delaney hadn't come back yet, they were probably canoodling or something of the sort, Dean and I weren't talking, and Mum and Dad were angry with me for inviting guests without permission.

"So, Mr. William, how do you make a living?" Father asks.

"I am your stable boy, sir." Liam says, almost angrily.

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