twenty four

19 4 0

Although it was sunny outside, and the sun out usually let me have a good day, I was stuck at the school, waiting for Mr. Julian to read my story. For safety purposes, I changed Count Julian's name to Count Thomas and left out the whole part about raping me- just so he wouldn't assume anything. Liam sits in the back of the classroom waiting, since he was my ride home.

Mr. Julian puts the story out on his desk. I had given it to him a week ago, and he was just now finishing it up. He looks me in the eye and I gulp nervously. This grade is what gave me the yes or no to my diploma. He chuckles and smiles at me.

"Diana, this is amazing, you have an immense amount of talent." He says. "You coming up with this entire land, and a land inside of a land, is crazy cool. But, unfortunately, I'm going to have to fail you. I'm sorry." He frowns as he stands up from his desk.

"Are you kidding me? I was in a coma for almost three months, write an entire practical novella in three days, and you're going to fail me?" I say, trying to keep myself from yelling.

"Diana, I'm sorry. There isn't anything I can do." He tells me, turning around to erase the marker from the board behind his desk.

"You, sir, are so pathetic." I mutter.

"Diana, watch it." Liam says from the back of the class room.

"Why did you fail me? I just want to know, Mr. Julian. Why is this fail worthy? I've worked so hard the past seventeen years of my life, leading up to this very moment, and now you're going to make me do an eighteenth year?" I ask him.

"Diana, it just wasn't for me. You're an impeccable writer, but it just wasn't for me." Mr. Julian says, facing me.

"You're so full of stupidity, Mr. Julian. You can't even pass me the slightest bit? I'm not even asking for sympathy at this point. I just want to be done with this stupid school and go to uni." I tell him.

He hands me back the papers with a firm look on his face. "Read the note at the top."

I look down at the paper, and in smudged, red ink, is an A+ on it. I look up at him with wide eyes and a large smile on my face. I feel the tears prick the back of my eyes and Mr. Julian smiles at me.

"Congratulations, Diana. You're officially done with high school." Mr. Julian says.

I scream excitedly and jump up and down, then hug him tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I yell.

Julian hugs me back and I can hear him chuckle. "Congratulations, Diana. Come back and visit when you're finally published."

"Will do."


"Diana?" Liam asks.

"William?" I mock, and he smiles at me, looking me in the eyes.

It's windy outside, so his little hairs on the top of his head are flying like crazy. The sun is setting and his eyes are those beautiful melting pot of colors. His smile is wide but it looks like he's hiding something.

"Did Diana really fall stupidly, crazily in love with Liam?" He asks me.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. My cheeks turn red, and for the first time in our nearly fifteen years of friendship, I am speechless. Because it's the truth, I was stupidly and crazily in love with my best friend.

"Yes, she did."

"Is that Diana's feelings in anyway related to yours?" He asks.

He's nervous and he's excited and at that moment, I think he's absolutely beautiful.

"Yes." My answer is breathy, and I feel as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders.

"Well, lucky for you..." He starts, "William's feelings are also related to mine... and Diana, I'm in love with you." He says.

I get butterflies. I am feeling butterflies, and I also feel like I have to throw up from excitement. I look at him and perk on my tip toes, and his lips crash on to mine. It was everything I expected and more. There weren't fireworks, but there were lots and lots of butterflies. There weren't cheers or excited screams in my head like some movies and books portray it out to be. But, there was Liam, and there was me.

And that was all I needed.

the end.

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