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Monday morning is dreary and somewhat cold as I head out to the stables. After Liam feeds the horses, he and I go riding along one of the paths that we had discovered the day previous. It's cloudy and windy out but it's quite beautiful.

"I love days like this." Liam says.

"Why is that?" I ask, looking at him.

"It's perfect cuddling weather." He responds simply.

"I've never had anyone to cuddle for myself. Just my pillows." I reply.

"That's probably the saddest thing I have ever heard you say." Liam tells me with a chuckle.

"Tis true!"

Liam turns his horse around to face me. I hold my head up and clench on to Sugar's mane. Liam had convinced me to ride bareback today, and although it was scary, it was exhilarating. I sit up straight instead of huddling over, keeping my hands on Sugar's mane, but keeping my eyes on Liam. He smiles and jumps off of his horse.

He walks over and holds his hand out to help me down, and I take it, but collapse on Liam's body as we both hit the ground. I begin to laugh, and look down at him. He's smiling, his eyes looking into mine, but his gaze wasn't intense. I look in his eyes, then at his lips, then back at his eyes. I press my lips against his.

His arms wrap around my waist and I grab on to the collar of his shirt. There is thunder in the distance and that's what makes me get off of him and help him off of the ground. Although I was with Julian, I didn't regret that kiss, not even a bit. It felt right. I look at Liam and climb back on to Sugar's back.

"Race you back to the stables." I say.

"You're on." Liam smirks, and then he's off.


When I arrive back at the castle, Dean nearly knocks me over with a hug. I laugh and hug him back, but when we pull away he looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Dean, what has you so startled?" I ask.

"I have just felt Delaney's child kick. There's an alien in there, Diana. It's actually quite disgusting." He says.

"Oh! That's nothing to be afraid of, silly. Soon you'll have a niece or a nephew to hold. It won't be as scary as you think." I tell him.

"I hope so!" He says. "Mum says to meet her in your room after my lesson. She wants to go over the color selection with you, I guess." He says before running off.

I walk into the library and spot Delaney sitting down at one of the couches. She's crying. I walk over to her and sit on the chair directly in front of her.

"I know you're in no condition to talk to me, right now... I'd still hate me too. But I do want you to know that you're not going through this alone, Del. You've got Dean and me, plus Mum and Dad and Rose and Jane. We're here for you." I say.

"Then why won't Father even look in my direction?" Delaney asks. "Why won't Mum say a single word to me unless you or Dean are around? Why won't you talk to me?" She asks, letting out a huge sob.

I move next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. "Del, I didn't know you wanted me to talk to you. I will now, if that's what you would like. As for Mother and Father, I think they still need time to process this entire situation."

"They've had four months already!" Delaney counters. "I didn't plan on getting pregnant, it just happened." She responds.

"Hey, just think about this. In five months, you're going to have a little one who loves you no matter what. Soon, no one else will matter except for your kid, Del. I'll help you through this, and so will Dean." I tell her.

"I'll be having an illegitimate child, Diana. The father doesn't even know I am carrying his child. I haven't told him it's his, yet." She says, finally making eye contact with me.

"You have five months to tell him. Don't stress yourself out over this, babe. It will all fall into place sooner than you think." I say.

"I've missed you, you know." She chuckles. "I've wanted to speak with you since the day you came into apologize to me, but you know... You always have to have the last word." She laughs.

"Just promise me that from now on, you and I have no more secrets." I say, holding out my pinky.

"No more secrets." She says, locking our pinkies together and kissing the ends of our hands.

"Will you be in the room with me when I decide to tell the father?" Delaney asks.

"Of course." I tell her with a smile.


After lunch, I had to get out quickly to fill Juliet in with the details about the fitting and that Delaney and I had made up. It wasn't easy getting out, but I had lied to mother about Sugar being sick so I went to check on her. I had made sure to mention that part to Juliet as well to make sure that my story would be straight of Mum had asked any questions.

Juliet made her way back to the castle, leaving me alone on the Bennett's couch, not quite sure what to do with myself. Liam runs in and looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "When did Juliet leave?" He asks.

"Just now." I tell him.

"Where did she go?" He asks, sitting next to me.

"To the fitting for my gown." I say.

"Oh, alright then. Would you like to do something, Diana?" He questions, looking at me.

"Not really. I kind of just want to take a nap. I'm awfully tired." I say to him, getting comfortable on the couch.

"Do you want to sleep in a proper bed?" Liam asks as I yawn.

"No, this couch will be sustainable." I tell him.

"Nonsense!" He says, standing me up. "A Princess should sleep in a bed." He picks me up bridal style.

"William, put me down!" I say, smacking his chest with laughter.

He carries me into a bedroom, which I can only assume is his, and then sets me down on the bed. "Get comfortable princess." He says.

"Liam?" I ask.


I shake my head and lay my head down on the pillow. "Never mind. I shall see you when I wake. Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight, Diana."

After Liam shuts the door, I stare at the ceiling. Delaney and I had made up. Liam and I were friends again, and things were beginning to fall into place.

a/n: ok so diana and delaney made up (thank god), and diana and liam kissed!!!!!!!!!!! what are your thoughts? opinions? who do you think is delaney's baby daddy? comment and vote guys! :)

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