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When I wake, Juliet is sitting next to me, looking distraught. She looks like she had been crying and like she wants to keep whatever has her distraught a secret. I sit up in my place and strip the covers off of my legs and look at her. She wipes her face free from the tears.

"Oh, you've finally awakened." She says.

"Juliet, are you alright?" I ask.

She shakes her head and lets out a heavy sob. "No."

"Would you like to tell me what's wrong?" I ask, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"It's about my mum, in the forest. She's becoming ill, Diana. I just received word from one of the messengers." She tells me.

"Juliet, I'm so sorry!" I say, hugging her tightly. "If you'd like, you can go back. I think you should be there for your mother."

"But Diana, I can't! I cannot just abandon everything here, I can't leave you like this." She says, tears falling from her eyes.

"Juliet, trust me. Everything here will be fine, this is all my mess remember?" I remind and she nods.

"Thank you for understanding. You truly are an amazing friend." She says, getting up from her spot.

"I'll arrange for someone to take you to the gates later tonight, after dinner." I say.

"Diana, you don't know how much this means to me." She tells me, hugging me tightly.

"I don't, but I would like to think you'd do the same for me if our roles were reversed." I say.

"Odd that you say that, because technically, they could be." She laughs.

"Point taken." I respond, and she smiles at me.

Liam walks in abruptly and then looks at the two of us. "Oh, Diana. You're awake." He says.

"Yes I am." I tell him.

"Dean and Delaney are waiting outside for you." He says, opening the door a little wider.

I look at him, and then back to Juliet. "I'll make sure to see you off tonight. Until then, stay calm and keep hidden." I warn, and then make my way out of Liam's house.

"Diana, there you are!" Dean cheers.

"Here I am!" I cheer back, walking towards them.

"What were you doing inside the stable boy's house?" Delaney asks.

I look at the home behind me and shrug. "Richard invited me in for a cup of tea. I couldn't refuse." I lie.

"Anyway... I want to tell the father of my child tomorrow night after the ball. Are you alright with that?" Delaney asks.

"I suppose so. Don't you think that it will be hard for him to come inside of the castle?" I ask.

"Oh, don't worry about that. He'll be attending the ball already." Delaney says, placing her hand on her bump.

"Oh, um, alright. Will you be attending the ball as well?" I ask her.

"I'm debating it. I'm not showing enough yet to raise suspicion, but I don't think a corset would do me well." Delaney says.

"Del, you're a bold faced liar. You look like a freaking watermelon." Dean remarks, and she gently taps the top of his head.

"Your head looks like a football, yet I do not complain." She replies with ease and I can't help but chuckle.

"Sisters... I'll never understand it." Dean says.

"Good." I reply, placing my arm around Delaney's shoulders as we walk back to the castle.

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