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After we make it back to the Ricardian main land, I squeal with joy. This was the closest thing I had to home right now, and I was happy to be back. I run up the hill, the wind flowing through my hair and the suns rays hitting my face. This was home.

Liam and Juliet follow a few steps behind, laughing and talking about whatever was on their minds. I see the stream where Liam and Bartholomew were getting water for the horses the day previous. I drink from it and I had never tasted water so good. I get up and begin running around happily, feeling like a little kid at a park.

"Diana, is that you?" I hear a voice ask.

I stop running and look in the direction of the voice. Count Julian. He was wearing a nice blue shirt and khaki pants. I nod and smile at him. "Hello, Count." I say.

"Who is Liam walking with?" He asks, pointing behind me. I turn around to look.

"Oh, that's just Juliet." I say, "She's a decent girl."

"Diana, you weren't lying when you said that you had a twin, huh?" Count Julian asks.

I shake my head and turn to face him again. "I guess I wasn't."

This was still hard to believe. I looked him in the eye and grabbed his shoulders. "But you remember what I told you, right? Nobody is supposed to know that I have a twin. We've kept her a secret from the kingdom. Only you, Liam and I know that she is here. No one, and I mean no one is to know she exists, alright?"

Julian nods and smiles at me. "Your secret is safe with me."'

Julian and Liam exchange glances and nod their heads, and Juliet smiles at him as well. We make our way towards the castle, Juliet and Liam stopping at the stables and the Count and I walk into the castle. Jane runs towards me and grabs my hand.

"Princess, your father is furious. Delaney has exchanged words with him about your whereabouts. Follow me. Count Julian, you may want to hide. Delaney is searching for you and will not stop." Jane warns before she leads me towards the throne room.

Dad is sitting on his throne, looking down at me and I gulp. He was never a violent man, but if his looks could kill, Jane and I would be dead right now.

"I'll be right outside your door, my lady." Jane informs and I nod. She then walks out, leaving my father and I alone in the room.

"Diana, where were you last night, young lady?" He asks, his voice unusually calm.

"I was in the forbidden forest, Father." I say.

"What is the reason you have betrayed your mother and I's wishes?"

"I was curious and I wanted to explore." I reply simply.

"Diana, you do know that because you have betrayed your mother and I's trust, that you will be punished, correct?" He says, looking down at me.

"What are you going to do? Burn me at the stake?" I ask sarcastically.

"I may have you hung, maybe have your head by the guillotine. Who knows, depends on how I'm feeling." Father replies, his voice dry with humor.

I smile at him and he stands up, opening his arms. I run up to him and hug him. His arms wrap around me and he kisses my head gently. My feet hit the ground again and he unwraps his arms from my body and looks me dead in the eye. I smile at him and then turn to walk away.

"Never scare us like that again, Diana. Do you understand?" He asks.

I nod and smile at him. "Yes, Father."

I exit the throne room and find Jane standing where she said she would be. "That went better than I expected. Your father didn't seem too angry..."

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