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Although I could barely breathe throughout the entire ball, I managed to have a good time. I mingled among the guests, laughing and chatting about silly things going on. The music stopped and then there was a loud thud, and everyone looked up towards the doors at the top of the stair case.

“Count Julian has arrived.”

Everyone claps as a man emerges, and I can faintly recognize him as Mr. Julian, the English intern from my school. I look for Delaney in the crowd as he walks down the stairs and into the congregation of people. I can see Delaney out of the corner of my eye and I can tell her cheeks are blushing. I can't help but laugh at her school girl ways.

I lean against the wall as a slower songs begins to play, watching the guests dance. Dad takes Mum's hand and drags her on the dance floor, people making way for them to enter. Delaney is dancing with someone whom I do not know the name of, whilst Dean is no where to be found. I look up at the ceiling and sigh.

“Princess!” A voice says, distancing me from my thoughts.

“Count Julian. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” I say, curtsying.

“May I have this dance?” He asks, holding out his hand.

I look around and smile, taking his hand as we whisk off on to the dance floor. I had never seen someone so handsome. His blue eyes were captivating; flecks of yellow surrounding his irises, and his smile could make the cloudy skies clear.

“So tell me, Princess. Why was a lady like you standing all by her lonesome?”

“I don't quite know. Balls and parties aren't really my type of thing, I suppose.” I respond as we dance.

He chuckles, “Oh, really? I've heard the opposite.”

“Have you?” I ask, my eyebrow raising with suspicion.

“Word has it that you're a massive partier. I've seen the headlines, Princess.” He says sarcastically.

“Ah, well, no one is supposed to know this, and I really musn't tell; but I have a twin sister.” I chuckle.

“Am I even dancing with the real princess?” He laughs.

“Who knows. You haven't called me by my real name, Count.”

“Diana.” He says, his lips perking up with a smile.


I can see Delaney through the corner of my eye, and she does not look happy. I do not care. I keep dancing with the Count until the song ends.

“It was a honor to dance with you, Princess Diana.”

“Likewise.” I smile.

Throughout the night, I am mingling among other guests. Through the window, I can see the moon. It's full, much like the night my parent's told me about the divorce and the new baby. I had to get out of here. I did not belong in a castle. I begin to walk out of the ball room, glancing at Jane and telling her not to inform the others that I was leaving. I go to my room and change into my night dress, grab a lantern and walk out through the kitchen.

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