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"Diana, where are you going?" Mother asks as I attempt to sneak out of the lesson.

"I needed to use the restroom. It's an emergency." I lie.

Delaney rolls her eyes and huffs angrily, but then looks like she's about to vomit. Her pregnancy has been confirmed. Whom the father is, I do not know, nor do I care, but part of me kind of already has a feeling that I know who it is.

As I exit the library, I can finally breathe easier. I look up at the very tall ceiling and sigh heavily. Lately, Mum has hired a tutor for Delaney, Dean and I so we can be aware of the social events happening in the country. Also, because Dean and I were technically still in school and needed an education. I begin walking down the hallway, looking down at my feet as I do so, bumping into a body.

"Princess, excuse me." Julian.

I look up into his eyes. It'd been a few months since I had started dating him, about three or four, and I still didn't see myself with him. He was falling for me though. (It was actually Juliet, and she was falling for him as well.) At night, after she and Julian would go out, she would keep me updated on what happened. While she was out with him, I spent my time at Bartholomew's house, reading, since I couldn't blow my cover.

"No, no. It is entirely my fault. I've been so lost in thought..." I say.

He smiles. "Diana, it's alright. Would you like to go out tonight?"

"Not really, no." I say.

Julian looks like he is slightly enraged by this, but then takes a deep breath. "Okay, that's fine."

I hear the door to the library creak open and Julian and I both look towards it. Delaney. Her hand is on her stomach and she looks at Julian helplessly. Julian rolls his eyes and then looks back at me. His eyes are a dark shade of green and I turn to face Delaney again, then walk back into the library, leaving them alone.

Delaney and I didn't speak much anymore, not after the fight. I didn't really speak to anyone anymore, actually. Liam and I hadn't spoken since the night at the bay. I barely speak with Bartholomew when I go over there to read. I talk to Juliet and Dean mostly, and that's about it. But I was okay with that, I think. I wasn't really much of a talker to begin with.

After the lesson, I make my way outside to the stables. Juliet is sitting with Liam on a swing in the back, both of them laughing and talking about something. They look up at me as soon as I open the gate.

"Diana, hi!" Juliet says, her voice enthusiastic.

I smile lightly and wave at her. Liam rolls his eyes and makes a barely audible groan. I walk towards them and look between the two of them. Liam has his arm wrapped around her shoulder and she's cuddling up to him, her head lying on his chest. I feel jealousy bubble up inside of me, but keep a poker face on the outside.

"What's up?" Juliet asks. Her eyes are a bright blue. I wondered if mine ever looked that pretty.

"Lesson was over, I was going to ride Sugar but then I saw you two and thought I'd stop by." I reply.

"Are you riding with Julian?" Juliet asks.

"No, I believe he's speaking with Delaney."

Juliet nods and Liam groans again. We both glare at him, our eyes squinted and arms crossed. He gives me a hard glare but then looks at Juliet and his expression goes soft, like she was his weakness. It was supposed to be me.

"Oh..." Juliet begins. "Has she found out who the father of her child is?"

I shake my head; I know Delaney would find out soon - she was talking to one of the maids about getting a paternity test. One of the maids told another one, and that maid told another one, and she told another one who had told Jane, who had told me. Word travels fast inside the castle walls, it almost felt like high school.

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