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I couldn't sleep. I kept fidgeting in my bed and not only that, but I kept thinking about Liam and Delaney and my life before I randomly popped up here. I pinched my arm and it hurt, so that obviously meant I was legitimately in Ricardiana. I didn't know what to do, I was in a foreign place with foreign people. I got out of bed and snuck out of my bed room. Maybe going into the forest would help, it always seemed to help me think. I grabbed a lantern and lit up before heading anywhere else.

I look at the clock as I venture out. Nearly eleven o'clock. As I go outside, I can see Dean sitting on the large steps, and this takes me by surprise. I had never seen him outside of the castle and I was beginning to think he only lived inside the castle walls.

"Diana! You scared me." He admits, shaking his hands to warm them up.

"Sorry. Are you not cold?" I ask as the breeze hits my cheeks.

"I am, but I can manage. I've been colder before." He admits.

I smile and sit next to him, setting the lantern down between us. He looks at me, his smile warm and friendlier than it has been since I've gotten here. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy, but I didn't want to assume anything just yet. I still had my doubts about him.

"Why are you out here, little one?" My voice is quiet, but loud enough to hear through the whistling of the trees.

"I couldn't stand to hear Mother and Father fighting again." Dean tells me.

I wrap my arm around him and he leans into my shoulder. "I'm sorry kiddo, believe me, I know it sucks."

"I just wish they'd stop, you know? I never want to fight with my wife like that, ever." Dean confesses and I chuckle.

"You won't, I promise."



"Why aren't you and Delaney speaking?" He asks, his voice about to crack.

I look up at the moon. "She is mad at me."


"Because Count Julian asked for permission to court me, not her." I tell him.

"Oh. That's silly, I think she should get over it."

In another world, I would say the same thing. But this world is different. This is not the real world. This is my world, and I have no idea how I got here or how I can get out. Not that I wanted to, but I kind of did. I missed the real things; Liam, Delaney and Mum and Dad. But I did like having Dean around, and Bartholomew or Cyrus or whatever his name was, was nice to have around as well. I didn't like how Sophie was here though. I could've gotten by without seeing her face.

"I agree, little dude, I agree." I respond.

"Diana?" Dean repeats.


"I'm sorry for releasing that stink bomb in your room. I know you didn't like it, I just thought you'd get a laugh out of that. I hope you can forgive me." He tells me, his voice sincere.

"Oh! Thank you, and of course I forgive you, silly. Just let me know when you're going to do that next time. I want to help set it up." I say with a laugh.

Dean stands up and stretches. "Don't stay out too late, Father gets really suspicious when you sneak in at early hours in the morning."

"Darn, need to step up my game, then, huh?" I chuckle.

"Goodnight, Diana."

"Goodnight, Dean."

As Dean walks into the castle, I further myself away from it. I take the lantern and tighten my shaw around my shoulders, attempting to become warmer. It was a really windy night, the moon was full again and it was brighter than usual. I walked to the stable. I didn't want to ride Sugar, so instead I rode one of our other horses that wasn't even bothered to be named.

I have the horse trot south. I wanted to explore more than the stream, after all this was my kingdom yet I had no knowledge of the main land. I venture off towards the town square. Vendor carts, shops, and village-like buildings lining the dirt road. It looked almost how I imagined early 20th century New York City would.

There were street lamps and rats scurrying off to scavenge for food. I stop the horse as I look over at the Prime Minister's house. It was large, but it was no castle, more of a manor. There were lights in the second story right window, and I wondered who could be there. I'm sure my family knew the Prime Minister, but I didn't. The horse and I continue and walk along the path, and I'm sure that I am near a body of water.

I see a saloon open, but I was hesitant to go in there. I was royalty, if people saw me outside of the castle with out security, who knows what may happen. I have the horse take me to the shipping dock, which was creepier than I had expected. The water was rippling and I hop off of my horse and let her rest for a little bit.

I make my way closer to the dock, almost near the edge. In a way, I was slightly tempted to jump off and just sit afloat in the water. I pull myself over the ledge and sit on top of it, looking around the town. It's awfully quiet, you can hear some of the dogs barking in the distance.

Hooves. I hear hoof beats getting closer to me. I don't turn around. "Shouldn't you be in your sleeping chambers?"

"Shouldn't you be back at your peasants house?" I remark, but instantly regret the words as soon as they leave my mouth.

Liam looks at me with round eyes and his oh so attractive smirk and hops next to me. "I am your stable boy, Princess Diana."

I sigh and look at him. Although this was Liam's face, it wasn't really Liam. It was a different version of him, and as many times as I possibly tried to dream us up as friends in my sleep, it was impossible. He still hated me. I can see his eyes searching my face, as if he was trying to remember what to say. He opens his mouth, and then nothing.

"If you're my stable boy, what is this horses name?" I ask, turning around to face the horse behind the both of us.

"This is Maple."

"Maple? Really?" I chuckle.

"Yes, really. You named your horse Sugar, Delaney named hers Cocoa, Dean named his Pepper... It seemed fitting." He says, his voice completely serious.

I can't help but laugh. I didn't even realize that my siblings and I had named our horses after spices and sugar. I had to keep my balance as I laughed so I didn't fall over, but it was nice to laugh again. I needed it.

"You really like to laugh, don't you?" Liam asks, "You're always laughing."

"Well I wouldn't fancy being sad all of the time. I don't think anyone would." I respond.

"Sometimes I think that sadness is the only feeling." Liam says.

I stay quiet. I had a feeling he was going to open up to me, but I didn't want to push it. I didn't want him to hate me even more than he did. So I kept quiet. I looked at him; his jaw was cocked kind of tightly and he grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over my knuckles. That's when I knew it. The real Liam was there somewhere, I just had to bring it out.

"I feel like I'm a tornado. Everything I get close to spins out beyond my control." He pauses, "And I hate that, you know? My father, Richard, and I aren't even talking right now."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, William." I say sympathetically.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. It's not like you care." He admits.

But I do. I care so much it almost hurts. "I do." Is all I can muster out at the moment as my eyes look down at the water beneath us. He is still holding my hand. Both of us sit in silence until I have to cough. He looks up at me and pulls his hand away like nothing ever happened. I get off of the ledge and walk back to my horse, getting on the saddle and looking at Liam as he sits upon his horse. I can see a playful look in his eye, slightly given off by the moonlight as he holds the reigns.

"Race ya to the stream, Princess."

"You're on, stable boy."


a/n: happy friday! I really am happy that Liam and Diana are somewhat cool right now, but i promise you there is a lot more drama and conflict and a whole bunch of other things coming. the first to comment the word galapagos gets a dedication. thanks for reading Ricardiana! - brooklyn

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