First words | Dilftaro

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"Say ahhhh"


"Good girl!" You fed jolyne a small spoon full of mushed banana and bread, it was a recipe that your husband's grandfather had told you over the phone a long time ago.

"Your making that face again" Jotaro didn't even have to look up from his book to confirm that statement.

"Nooooo I'm nooooot" you totally were, you always made that face when you fed Jolyne.


"I know the workaholic isn't talking, Why don't you come help me fold some cloths while I feed your offspring?" You mentioned.

"I think you mean 'our' offspring,"

"Oh no this right here?" You squished Jolynes cheeks between your fingers,"Is all you,I can already tell she's going to have your personality and attitude!" Jotaro put his book down,"I can already hear it! 'It's not my fault! She picked a fight with me!' God give me patience!"

"I didn't act like that" he sat down on the floor and folded a pair of pants.

"Oh you most certainly did! I remember when we first met you were so moody I almost backhanded the spit out of you!"

"No,actually, you did" he remembered the pain, it lasted for weeks on end,"I honestly can't believe you even managed to hit me" Your reflexes were fast. Fast enough to convince him that you had a stand at one point.

"Did I? Huh, sorry love I don't remember" you leaned down from the couch and pepper a few kisses to his cheek,"there, sorry for back handing the spit of you~"

He grumbled and looked out the window,"it was the other cheek..."

"So needy" you leaned down and kissed his other cheek,"....aww you really are cute when you smile" you could see him try and hide his face away with his cap.

"Ahhh! Ahhmmh!" Jolyen touched your hand and pulled it twords her messy face.

"Oh no you dont!" Pulling away you grabbed a wet napkin and cleaned her face,"there we are!" Scooping her up you held her hands and helped her walk to her father,"Good job jolyen!"

"Hah!" She laughed, grabbing her father's hat and waving it around.

"You grab anything your hands can reach," he took his hat and placed it on the couch. Lifting her up she giggled and laughed, kicking her stubby leg and babbling,"Oh really?"

"Ahhnah! Amna!" She replied

"Is that so?"

"MamNah!" A bit of drool fell onto her pastel blue onesie.

"You make a valid statement"

"What are you two talking about?" You wish you had your phone so you could record them.


You busted out laughing,"Oh my goodness! Oh wow my face hurts from smiling so much!" You sighed. It was nice to have Jotaro home for once,the man didn't know what 'rest' was sometimes.

You watched as he rested on his side and let his 'remixed version', as Polnareff called her, play with her toys and fathers hand.


"Yes,I agree, Sir. Bartholomew is very handsome today" he fixed the red sea star plushies top hat and monical. It was something you both made together, with the help of Holly of course. You'd both wanted to give jolyen something she'd cherish forever.

"I can't believe you named her starfish that" you folded a small pile of shirts,"How is she even going to pronounce his name when she gets older?"

"Shes a smart Girl,"

"Oh your right about that, Jolyen can you say 'mama' ?" She'd reached that age where she was starting to recognize words and speak but sadly nothing but babble had come out.

"Nahma?" She stopped trying to eat her fist and looked up at you.

"Can you say 'dada?' "


Jotaro immediately looked up from his pile of laundry, was this it? Was this the moment you'd been waiting for!?

"Dada" you repeated.

She blinked up at you,"Dagh! Dga"

Was she going to say it!? After weeks of trying to get her to speak would it finally happen?! Wo-

Ding dong!

"Fucking-" you hissed and almost sprinted to the door,"This shit better be fucking important or im-"  you opened the door to reveal the mail man,"Hi David! So good to see you!" The young postman had a small box under his arms and a clipboard.

"Hi Miss.Kujo,I just need you to sign here"

"Thank you"

In the living room Jotaro sighed,that temper of yours could be a bit frightening. But then again,he liked that about you,seeing someone as short as you were getting pissy and mad like was funny as hell, but then again everyone was short compared to him.

"now where did she put that recorder?" He let Jolyen wave around one of her rattle toys as he dug for the camcorder in one of the kitchen drawers. After finding it he flipped it open. He hit the play button just to make sure it was still working,"Yare Yare Daze, it's almost out of battery"

"Ya Ya daza!"

Jotaro froze in place,did she just? No he must have misheard,there was no way she just said that.

"I....are you kidding me?!" You dropped the box you were holding,"I cant believe it, we've been trying to get her to say 'mama' and 'papa' for weeks! WEEKS! and that's the first thing she says?!" You fell onto the couch.

"I think I caught it on camera too"

You couldn't take it anymore,"Pff! Hahaha! Oh my- I can't breathe! Hahaha!" You wheezed, jolyen laughed along side,not knowing what was going on at all.

"Well at least it wasn't 'Ora' "

You laughed even harder.

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