{ Chapter Nine }

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"Eva?" Edana called from the small kitchenett.

Eva's shoulders heaved with her anger, flames licking across the expanse of her upper shoulders and collar bone, down to her finger tips. Books burned around her feet, the book shelf flung into pieces across her bed. That was beginning a small fire as well.

Eva had kicked in the then wooden box her white warrior clothes had come in as well, pieces of it scattered and kicked across the bedroom.

Edana's eyes bulged as she took in the scene, bringing a large bucket of water to stamp out any mini fires. Cleaning up catastrophic anger fits was something she knew how to handle well, from the prince.

Edana stayed quiet, taking in the display of power, stark white lines of lightening begining to web between Eva's fingers.

"I assume this has to do with the coven's mishap," Edana comments, flicking water over a burning book page.

"Of course," Eva rasps. The lightening grew into orbs around her hands.

"Surely, the king has a reason for his dismissal."

"He's shoving me back into a dark corner, just as I thought. I knew it wouldn't be any different. I can't continue to live like this, Edana. There's no life left in me its all just ... rage."

Edana stood then, circling around to Eva, gently placing a small hand on her back.

The motion made Eva's body shake as she burst into tears, the orbs and fire flashing away. Mourning had found her again.

Eva fell to her knees and Edana rubbed her head, pulling her into a small hug at her waist.

"Has he always been this insufferable?" Eva asks for the hundreth time of the prince.

"Only since the incident with his uncle. He took his betrayal particularly hard, he was the pawn after all. I think a part of Ben swears to never be the victim again."

Eva sighed heavily, letting out her last long streams of tears. "I hate that I feel any sort of sympathy for him, it's not like he shows me any."

"Oh, come now, I don't think that's true. I have seen so myself. He is still man, Eva. He's been misguided. I can still see it sometimes, the lost and angry prince who needed someone to care." Edana sighed herself, shaking her head. "Everyone's let that boy down."

Eva peeled herself from Edana's waist, looking up at her with puffy eyes.

"But that doesn't excuse what he's done with you, my dear. You have every right to be this upset and I hope you give him hell for it. He needs an angry voice to battle his own."

A knock at the door made Eva jump to her feet, Edana giving her a small bow before turning and rushing to it.

For a moment, Eva hoped it was Ben coming to talk with her even though every bone in her body knew it wasn't true. He needed all the time he could get to stray away from the berating questions she had waiting for him.

Edana opened the door to a woman, the witch who had gone completely possessed at the coronation.

The older woman appeared fearful as she took in the room, the sorrow still swimming in Eva's eyes as they met.

"Pardon my intrusion. I wanted to come by and apologize." The woman yanked her cloak tighter around her petite frame, clearly nervous.
"My name is Jayd, your graciousness. I hope you will allow me to reconcile with you."

"Please, come in," Edana welcomes her, and Jayd enters with apprehension.

"I must tell you, I have never before been over come with vision like that, completely unprovoked. Surely, that is just a testament to your power." Jayd nods to her, smiling gently. "But no excuse, it was completely my fault. I apologize for embarrassing you and the king in such a way."

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