{ Chapter Eleven }

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Damp, heavy lungs heaved inside her chest. With the weight of a thousand bleeding wounds, Eva dared to take her first few breaths in her physical form again.

She had spent a few days whistling away in the spring breeze, trying to forget every human emotion she ever knew.

Then a pang in the peace, as a baby bird fell from it's nest and snapped its neck, Eva saw herself reflected and did the same.

She landed in a small creek, the blazing yellow frogs and slime fish battling their mating tones.

It took her another day to fully come back conciously in her mind, heart pumping, veins aching once again.

When she opened her eyes, the sun greeted her with blazing ferocity. On instinct, she brought herself as close to her home village as she could stand.

It had been a few years since she had actually been home. Due to the extensive travel for her work at the castle, Eva had a small boarding room in the local village along the castle grounds.

Despite the time away, Eva could look around and know exactly where in the forest she was.

Her limbs wobbled as she tried to crawl from the stream, getting to drier land.

Getting to her feet, she stretched, remembering what her limbs and muscles felt like, the tightness of skin over bone.

She still had on her White Witch attire, which she quickly dismantled most of, leaving herself in a black sleevless tunic, leather padded half sleeves, her boots and her long slit skirt.

Placing the corset and disdem aside in a tree, she yanked her head around to wring out her sopping hair. This would have to do and surely the sun would dry up her dark clothes in a few minutes.

Walking was easier than she had anticipated and Eva moved forward with ease. She needed to be careful but her emotions were not fully connected yet. She walked on fearless.

Tree after tree she passed, listening to the fawna sing the song of spring.

Eva eventually reached an outskirt road, spotting the first house. She walked by quietly as the family went on with their day undisturbed.

There were two young children playing with sticks out by the open front door, booming laughter echoing inside from a man who lived there, most likely their father. As Eva passed by the yard, a waddling woman around her age came from around back, holding the hand of a toddler.

The joy of seeing a growing family was always something Eva admired from afar. Something inside her, now, felt empty. This made her quicken her pace to brush past.

A wagon of school aged children rolled by, waving happily at her. Then, another, less playful house, was passed and Eva had breached the village.

It was mid morning, as the market was still up and running but only half as busy as usual.
Town homes and shops lined on cobblestone, wooden wagons lined up for the market on the edges of the streets. Gray and brown slats jutted against yellow sky.

People barely paid her any mind as she pushed past the thick of the market.

"News?" A man asked Eva, making her jump slightly as she rounded a corner, his arm holding out a small glass eyewear piece.

"Thank you," Eva nods, taking it from him, and continuing down the street.

She pauses a moment to look into the glass, her hand covering the back end so she could read the fine magical print.

King Declares Title: King Kye I
This will be the first King to go by the chosen name of Kye. We expect the king to make his first deliverance speech next week...

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