{ Chapter Fifteen }

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And so, the flowers came to full bloom. The sun strengthened it's warriors. The moon graciously echoed the sun's passion through the night. The delicates of the rain began to dry and blister. Beltane came forth.

Eva was on horseback, alone.

Her hair, wild and wispy in the traction of her motion. Her skin soaking in the intense rays, the beginning of summer. Today, she wore white like her Empress Warrior Sisters. A white sinching top, the top hem sagging below her shoulders as braided whisps of silk tugged gently against her arms, sleevelike, to clasp in a thin line at her fingers. In womanly tradition, she wore a floor length white skirt with embroidered sun stripes around the leg slits that allowed her to ride the horse.

She looked nothing like a threat. But the gallop in her heart felt like the stride of a predator.

Eva had gone on to train with the Empress Warriors and the Queen herself. She had learned, in what a matter of a few weeks can teach you, lengthy lessons on self restraint and channeling. She felt more confident in herself and her abilities.

The red crystal bounced against her ribs as she rode forward, the leather holding it safely as it swung. The closer Eva got to the castle, the more it began to spark and twinkle within.

The journey felt lengthy, despite it only really taking a handful of hours to reach the castle. She could, technically, use her power to travel but Eva was afraid it would take too long to reconnect with herself to execute her mission properly. She had to do this normally.

The rolling of her worries as she rode let her nerves empty with the blowing humid breeze. Sticky fingers clinging to skin, pulling swiftly, taking pieces of anxiety.

Beltane was her favorite gathering next to Samhain. The blessings, the weddings, the glorious fires. It made Eva's heart soar the skies higher than she could remember beyond in her childhood. A piece of her was excited just to be present for it.

Clopping to a slow pace as she reached the outter city, Eva could see some of the day's activities had already begun. Children running through water hoops in the street, others in long rows of braiding chains, with flowers lined up beside them as they weaved hair and stem.

The sun made the scene appear glossy, a daydream. It seemed impossible, how happy these people could feel under the rule of their new King. But nothing could snuff the joy this day would bring.

Eva made sure to not go near the part of the city where she had lived, knowing someone would easily let Ben know she was close by. She needed to approach him on her own.

She checked her horse into a rental stall, leaving her name under her brother's. He had agreed to come pick them up after the celebrations tonight.

Then it was a venture into the streets on foot. The front lawn gates had been yanked wide open to the public, many citizens sprawled out on the beautiful grass for picnics and games.

As Eva neared closer, she could see families and friends dancing around may pole's as flutes played flighty chords.

Taking a moment, Eva grabbed a glass of sparkling wine and stood by a court wall, watching the air drink it's newfound happiness. She didn't look too out of place, as everyone wore white and floral today.

A small toddler approached Eva with admiration, holding a thin flower crown of white pansies and baby's breath. It twinkled with fairy dust, the inner band marked with positive sigils. They must have made extras to hand out to people.

"She wanted to share," the toddler's mother speaks up from farther back, waving and smiling.

"That's very kind," Eva kneeled for her, letting the small one's hands grace her head. The toddler gives a small hug to Eva's face before scurrying back towards her mom.

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