{ Chapter Seventeen }

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The daybreak following their escape was brutal in the summer heat. Eva and Ben found themselves as large volumes of anxiety and worry, looking over the people and land with trepidation. But all seemed to be well on the outside of the castle walls.

Eva did her best to carry them somewhere familiar, before she lost sight and began moving freely. It was a whole two days before Eva remembered guilt, hearing the cries of wood and grass against a small forest fire. Death of the helpless awakened her, seeing the future, and she pushed to a familiar creek.

The two fell through the sky and landed in the same water Eva had landed in the first time she left her flesh. They layed still for hours, the warm water only encouraging their hibernation.

Conciousness did not kick in for another day.

The pair became alert, bodies next to each other as their heads raised from the water for the first time.

They knew vaguely of the other. Feelings were still dormant, the impression of their souls still trying  to flutter and fill.

Eva smiled at Ben, feeling a warmth as she looked at him and he returned it. Happiness came first. A sense of pride in their escape, a rejoyce.

As he smiled back, Eva could feel something else find her. Unquestionable lust. A basis in their connection, it would of course be one of the first things to guide them.

With nothing else in their way, no worries or delibirations, Eva kissed with force. The fierceness could not be matched as the two ripped at the other's  sopping clothes. The energy it gave had them crawling from the stream to reach land, some clothing floating down with the water.

Eva's shirt hung on a tree branch, her skirt pushed up to her navel, shes unraveled and strewn across the mud embankment. Ben's shirt and left shoe sailed down the water, his other shoe still on, his pants pulled down to his knees.

There was no revelation, no shocking awe of their first sexual connection, just untamed impatience. A dream had been hard to fight, but a reality with no emotion but happiness and lust meant no problems.

Eva was settled below Ben's hovering body, his knees  pushing her thighs wide open. He settled himself, ready to push into her, when a spark igniting in his head made him faulter in his movement.

Eva welcomed his impatience, matching it, as she tugged on his hips, staring at him as he paused.

It was then, staring down at her completely naked body, with himself right before her, did he start to come to his senses. He pulled his hips back, fingers stopping their tug on her nipples.

Eva felt the wave as well, her humility returning, thighs burning as she watched his eyes look over every exposed piece of her.

"I'm sorry," he starts, brain still fuzzed but creating words.

"No," Eva shook her head, "I want this." Taking his now limp hand into her grasp, she brought it to her lips, kissing his palm. "Please." She thrusted her hips up at him, causing movement, trying to push him closer again.

Kissing her softer this time, Ben let his hands creep down to her thighs, tugging on her skirt to force her chest up, pressed up against him. For a moment, seeing her made his mind decide to move forward.

Then panic enveloped his chest.

"Eva, no," he sighs, kissing her temple before pulling himself away fully, pushing back on his heels.

Eva chased his movements, pushing herself up with her arms, the panic finding her as well. But now she was sad they had to stop.

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