{ Chapter Sixteen }

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Eva and Ben stood wrapped up in eachother, arms clinging to the other. The moment was soaked with longing and it felt like no amount of touch could silence their need.

Until they froze. A slirring, dark rumble rocked through the walls of Ben's rooms, making them halt. Pieces of reality crumbled around them.

Things became blurry as they clung harder, feeling weightlesness grab at their ankles. They free fall together, Ben trying his best to use his power to sense a floor beneath them to stop a monsterous colision, but nothing.

Eva could feel the swish of darkness take over her mind, a piece of the power Ben had left inside of her months ago. Someone was tapping into it, looking for something. She fought them out easily, trying to protect herself.

A floor finally dazed into reality around them, a large open room with flickering fires filling in behind their shoulders. They landed with grace, bones hoisted in place against the floor.

They were on the top floor of the castle, a large empty throne room.

There, behind Ben's back, sat Solanyn in the king's chair.

Ben, too, felt someone digging around his mind and instantly knew by it's imprint that it was Solanyn. Panic raced his veins.

Ben's hands unlatched from Eva, straightening up, as Solanyn's dark eyes bore into his spine.

"You never told me you had found your twin flame again, King Kye." His first choice of words made sweat bead on the back of Ben's neck.

Eva finally opened her eyes as she heard his voice, lifting her head from Ben's chest.

The pair looked up, eyes of fear swimming over the other.

This was everything Ben didn't want. This was everything he lost sleep for, weeks of endless work to locate Eva and keep Solanyn at bay. But it had been too long. Solanyn had claws in Ben, hooks holding his flesh to binded rule. If there was something to disrupt Ben's transformation, Solanyn would know.

Eva had done just that. She had brought Ben the pieces of his soul that Solanyn had forcefully removed. He would have known as soon as Eva stepped into the castle, feeling the light of hope return. This couldn't be allowed.

With one last second to look over her face, the face of the woman he needed to survive, Ben mouthed "be calm" to her, before turning to stand side by side with Eva.

She could feel the weight of this. There was anger and frustration staining the windows. So she stayed silent, coming face to face with Solanyn only for the second time.

"I ignored it, Sir."

"Not very well."

".. No, sir."

"Hmm." Solanyn looked over Eva, glaring at the fire born. "I knew the coven member's reaction at the coronation was a warning to me. But now I truly see the problem here..." he pauses, glaring at the two.

Solanyn sat in an all white coordination, something for the holiday no doubt. He even wore a small bracelette of vines that looked hand woven. Legs spread, hands tapping against the arm rests of the throne, he was the angel of despair.

"You, the pawn. There's something much different about you now. You are strong within." He adds this with distaste to Eva.

Ben began to worry even harder within his mind. Looking around the room, he noticed only one guard. Solanyn was prepared to battle with his magic, or he would have more back up.

"Thank you," was all Eva could think to respond with, hands twitching at her sides. Could she take him on?

"I could feel it as soon as you stepped onto the grounds, the darkness that drapes around you like an armor. I've never seen anything like it. I can't allow it."

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