{ Chapter Eighteen }

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Eva and Ben's escape seemed to be a success, for now. The dry heat bounced through the walls of the Lucia house at sunrise.

The way the sun never truly left the sky here was remarkable, leaving a blazing crimson above for night instead of the midnight blue at the castle.

Once again, the aggressive light radiated through glossy windows, right over Ben's face.

Ben, despite Eva's persistence, had slept in the living room and not her bedroom. After his display of power over her in the hallway, he had been doing his best to leave her unsatisfied and pining for more attention. Even away from the castle, Ben found games to play. But this one was far less harmful. This one was purely fun and sensual for him.

Freja soon thought she had awoken Ben by accidentally letting a chick loose onto the first floor. With stumbled sleeping eyes, he chased after the chicken, snatching it by its neck for her. His large grip released as Freja held onto it, giving him the brightest thank you Ben had ever received. He didn't say a word, slumping back down on the large couch.

The first night of sleep after days of scrambled mental activity was beyond peaceful. Ben was sad to be disturbed. Shortly after the chicken incident Sarah came down as well, caring less to not make noise. Persei too, making a gruff noise as he looked at Ben on the couch. Did he not appreciate Ben's hesitance on sharing a room with his sister? Although, Ben had a feeling no matter what he did, Persei and Sarah would be less than brimming with praise.

It was jarring for him to be out of the castle and be treated like an everyday man. Even if it was a man outcasted by his twin flame's family. They were calm, kind but fair, and something about it made Ben wish they would like him. He knew what Solanyn would say, that it was just his lack of belonging throughout most of his life that made him feel he needed a place here.

Yet he also knew, him and Eva could leave tomorrow with hate in their eyes still burning and Ben wouldn't mind as long as Eva was with him. That was all that mattered in this moment for him, being in Eva's good graces. Ever present, something couldn't help but stir in his mind as he thought of her annoyance. Just a flicker of thought to the way she grinded her hips against him with his fingers deep inside of her...

Ben sat up, joining the trio in the kitchen. He wasn't going to get any more rest.

The siblings picked at fruit on the kitchen table.

"Good morning," Ben greeted them, trying his best to appear polite. The akwardness was clear on his face.

"Morning," is grumbled back to him. Freja hands Ben a cup of coffee and he nods to her in thanks.

"Is there anything I could possibly... help with today? Maybe with the animals?" He could make himself useful, surely that would be positive in their opinion.

Eva would care what they thought. That pushed him to try.

"No work today. It's a special harvest day."

"Special harvest day?" He couldn't recall anything for weeks on his own schedule.

"Today, the toadshell eggs have reached the last of their survival season. What's left is shriveled pelts. Every year, our mom would bring them home. Once we all started getting old enough, we were allowed to eat them with her. It's a tradition we uphold for her."

"It's supposed to make you one with your magic," Freja adds.

So Eva's family planned on tripping together? The fire people were strange indeed. Eva's mother proved herself more interesting each time Ben saw her mentioned.

"One with your magic, one with the elements, enhance your third eye. There's many uses."

"This will be my first year," Sarah smiles with excitement. It was the first time Ben saw her put a real smile on her face. If he had all the pieces of his soul, he might have felt inclined to mirror it back.

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