{ Chapter Twenty Two }

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  "My Queen, we arrive urgently," Wyrrek stood before Queen Laeca, his daughters at his back peering forward. Freja seemed the least disturbed, showing a bright smile.

The night soared around them, the air unnaturally frigid and pained. Stars twinkled low, whisping around in worry. The King was home and ready to sacrifice.

Something deep in Eva's gut spread dread through her veins. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe she should've chased after Ben.

Patience, she had to remind herself. This wasn't the time to explode.

"Your camps have been restocked, Wyrrek. You may bring your daughters forth so they may rest for the night." The Queen's eyes took in the tired, yawning group of girls. She seemed distant, her eyes boaring into Eva's chest that held a sparking crystal close.

Eva had failed in her mission, returning empty handed and in even more grief.
She stood behind Hollis and Freja, hands locked into theirs. The horses had been taken to water by one of the camp warriors.

"Thank you," Wyrrek nods. He reaches forward, passing a folded up letter to the Queen and scurries off, leading his daughters away.

Eva knew most of the people here, she had lived with them for a time. Her old small cabin was open, a fire started at the entrance wall and Eva grabbed Sarah to come stay with her instead of Father's. They collected their sacks from the wagon and began filling in.

The camp was set up in a spiratic circle. Wood and stone carved to build hut like housing, distorted vision tarps to shield for privacy at the entrances. This was magically barbaric, as expected in such an ancient, intense place. Even still, Eva could feel the thrumming pulse of magic in routs underground.

Eva's small cabin was off set to the left of her father's. It was just enough to hold about three or less, with two medium sized beds and a frumpy lump of a chair in a far corner. Books still lined the shelves that jutted from the west wall, books that Eva had been reading to learn about her predecessors.

She briefly thought, maybe there was something in them that could help her.

"This is cozy," Sarah remarks, setting up her small sleep bag on a vacant bed.

"It's another home away from home," Eva smiles vaguely. She had invisioned Ben being here with her instead.

Her memories here had been fond, positive, strengthening. She trusted these people. She knew she could have confidence in their agreement to help Ben. The Queen would always choose her son, Eva knew that easily.

Suddenly, her brain plunged into deep despairing thoughts as she saw Ben souless, empty, and manipulated. Of him bowing to Solanyn.

Sarah senses Eva's depressed thoughts, clearing her throat, "what are you thinking, Eva? What's your plan?"

Eva sighs, sitting on her own bed across the way. Her legs swing, antsy and impatient. "My only thoughts are that I have to save him. I have to convince the Queen to aid me, get me inside so I can.. get him back."

Sarah looks to the floor, understanding there was no clear path ahead. "You know, I always envied you for many things; your effortless ease into adulthood, the amount of responsibility that was handed to you. But now all I can think about is how lucky I am that it wasn't me. You're so brave, Eva, I would have given up."

Eva shakes her head, "Persei understands. Father understands. You can't.. give up. They're, he's, too important now. It's irreversible." She too looks to the ground, thinking of Ben in the forest with her.

We will never be what you want, Eva. Only what you fear.

Ben had known all along what was coming. Of course, he knows Solanyn most of all.

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