{ Chapter Three }

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The moon was nearly full. It was beautiful, in all it's illuminating glory. It made wonderful sheens of sparkling light against the edges of the stone window that had been left open.

Eva had been staring out of it for awhile now.

She remained strapped into a wooden chair, ankles and wrists tied down with leather.

Her head lolled, tiredness seeking her to help her escape the panic she was fighting off.

No doubt, Benjamin had called for her to be placed here. It was clear his intent was not to release her. But instead to question her for information Eva knew she didn't have. Could she make something up to satisfy him? It would depend on what he asks her.

Eva had spent the last few days in a holding cell and was recently escorted to this room. She was hungry, sleepless, and still in her party dress.

The echo of stomping footsteps registered in her ears and Eva perked up in her seat, straightening her back and intensifying her empty stare.

The steps got closer. He was coming.

Benjamin's tall figure rounded the entry way with haste, coming to stand before Eva's face in an opposing corner. He stilled with grace, folding his hands before him. He seemed at ease, keeping composure.

"Evening," Eva greeted him, eyes unfocusing from the view of him, trying not to join his eye contact.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, which made Eva's face twist up in annoyance. His tone was melancholic, baretone and smooth.

"One could say I'm not entirely fond of starvation." Eva seethes this with gritted teeth, amazed at the casual conversation he persued. She wanted to get the pain over with, to face her death if she must. But she wanted it swiftly, she wanted it now.

"You do look a bit ill," he comments, leaning his frame against the stone wall, ankles crossing. "I'll have to remind someone to get a meal to you. Maybe a bath too. You smell like a rabid animal."

Eva let her eyes run over him, his casual outfit of all black with riding boots. With his dark hair, Ben looked like a hauntingly beautiful demon. Especially with the way his eyes looked over her, expectant and ready to flame.

"Did you tie me up to taunt me?" Eva's patience was non existent and she wanted to make that clear. He found her discomfort amusing.

"No, actually. A meal and a bath could be all yours if you agree to answer my questions without being difficult." His hand rubbed at his chin, scratching at the stubble that grew. His father couldn't yell at him for not shaving anymore, so that small rebellion began.

Eva's eyes dropped to the floor, a sigh exhausting from her chest.

"Good," he smirks, watching her submission cloak her. "Do you know much about white witches?"

"White witches?" Eva scoffs, "I know what they used to be, yes."

"A special breed of witch that held power beyond measure, the only one's able to reach dark magic if trained properly. They were political war heroes."

"Right," Eva nods, eyeing Ben with genuine confusion. "What about them?"

"They are extinct, are they not?"

"Yes, for generations now." She couldn't understand the point in his leading questions.

"What if I told you, they weren't. That there were white witches secretly living among us."

"I'd say your crazy. The elder magic would out them at birth," Eva argues, "what exactly are you getting at?"

"I think you might know one, maybe a few. It's come to my attention that my father, somehow, has located hibernating white witches and brought them to the castle. I think he may have shared information that would allude to who those individuals are."

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