Escape From Battery City-Part 21+22

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****************Part 21***************

I wake up, my head still leaning on Static. He's wide awake, and grins when I sit up.

"Morning." He says, as I stretch and sit up.

I smile before remembering what had happened. "Static! I was meant to stay up! You should have slept!"

He shakes his head. "You were more tired than I was. Don't worry."

Before I say anything else, I see Hydrogen wake up. She looks over at us, and then stands up, brushing the sand from her clothes.

She walks over to Dead and kicks him gently in the side to wake him up.

He mutters something that no-one can really hear nor understand. Hydrogen shrugs and walks over to us.

"Hey Guys!" She says, her voice way too cheerful for the morning.

"Hi." I answer, my voice grumpy. Static laughs and answers Hydrogen with a more cheerful hello.

"So we're heading to Zone Three, We're nearly there." Hydrogen says, before walking back over to kick Dead again.

"Wake Up Dead!" She says loudly.

"He sits up in shock. "What?" He said, his voice quiet and sounding confused.

"Bout time!" Static says, laughing.

He stands up and glares at Hydrogen. "Thanks." He says it sarcastically, but Hydrogen answers as if he had meant it.

She grins back. "You're welcome!"

The two of them walk back over to us. "Ready to continue walking?" Hydrogen asks, and we all nod. "Good!"

I stand up, and so does Static.

We start walking, and fall into the same formation as earlier, Hydrogen walking in front, Static and I behind, and then Dead shuffling after us.

"Is there a reason he's so annoyed?" I ask Static. He looks behind him before sighing.

"His brother was killed, really recently. He was blown up by Bl/ind while he was in a building."

I gasp. "Silver Shotgun?" I ask.

He nods. "How did you know?"

"I found a radio when I was with Crash and Gas. We heard about what happened. I think Gas was friends with him. She seemed really upset."

Static nods again. "Dead is really upset, and annoyed about it. He was really close to Silver."

I glance back at Dead, who has his eyes locked on his shoes, kicking the sand as he walks through it. I don't really know what to answer, so I stay quiet.

Neither one of us talks for a few minutes, but it's a comfortable silence.

A while later and Dead catches up with us, standing to the right of Static.

"Hey." Static says, an attempt to get Dead to talk.

Dead answers with a feeble smile and says a simple "Hi." But that's the end of the conversation. He ends up just staring off to the distance. I can tell he's still upset, but I can see why. I can't hate him for being so mean earlier, not now that I know why.

We walk in this silence, and then Hydrogen slows down, so that the four of us are all walking beside each other.

"Hey!" She says, her voice as cheerful as it had been when she had woken up. I smile, grateful that she was going to talk.

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