Escape From Battery City-Part 24

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It’s been two weeks since we first arrived at Gas’ lab and things haven’t been going well for me, Mainly because no one has been talking to me. I occasionally try to strike up a conversation with Gas but she always ends up talking to Hydrogen and Poof, ignoring me! As for Cell, well she’s just ignoring me completely… and I still don’t know why. Static is always talking to Cell or Hydro, and Dead doesn’t talk much… So I’ve been alone for two whole weeks, with nothing to do and no one to talk to. This has given me only time, time to think. I’ve been planning to confront Hydrogen about the dreams I’ve been having, but I’m afraid of how she’ll respond. Judging by the fact that no one seems to like me here, they wouldn’t waste any time in kicking me out to parch in the desert on my own. Or maybe they’d make me a prisoner and lock me up, even though that’s how I feel right now. I feel like I’m trapped and no matter how hard I try to escape the isolation everyone still finds a way to ignore me.

I’ve spend most of my lonely time people watching, it’s not like they ever noticed me though, I’m invisible to them. I’ve seen Cell follow Static around like a lost lamb, I’ve seen Poof knock Gas’ experiments over, nearly drink a poisonous substance and fall over tables and chairs, with Gas looking annoyed the whole time. Static sticks his finger into an electrical socket to recharge his powers, and Dead does almost nothing except go to the vending machine for food and water.

I roll over in my ‘bed’. Not much of a bed, it’s only a pile of blankets on the floor with a pillow. It’s 2 AM and I still haven’t got any sleep. I guess I’m too afraid of the nightmares, I’m scared that I’ll see myself as  draculoid again. I try to reassure myself that no matter what, I’ll never let that happen, but a horrible dreary voice in my head says that ‘the future in inevitable’. I sigh and push myself into a sitting position, I can’t sleep like this, I need something to clear my head. I silently get to my feet, stand up and catch my balance. I blindly make my way through the darkness and find the doorway to the kitchen. I twist the rusty door handle and slip through the doorway. After fumbling a bit to find the light switch; light floods the room, confirming that I pushed the right switch. My eyes quickly adjusted to the change and then I saw it… A cookie! Right there on the kitchen table! With my stomach growling and my mouth watering I had no choice but to snatch it off the table and stuff it into my mouth.

“HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!”, comes an unfamiliar voice. I freeze. Wide-eyed I look around to find the source of the voice. I see Dead in the doorway… surely such a loud voice couldn’t belong to him! “THAT’S MY COOKIE! AND YOU’RE EATING IT!” He storms over to me, nearly falling over the table. I can’t help but stand there, Frozen, wide-eyed, mouth hanging open in shock with a few crumbs falling out. Slowly, I can see the anger seep away from him, I think he thinks I’m scared of him… but really I’m just surprised to hear his voice… and that someone’s talking to me!

“Sorry, you can... you can have it, I guess.” He mutters, avoiding my eyes.

This is my chance… maybe I can get him to talk to me; I can make a friend and not spend the rest of my time here alone. I open my mouth hurriedly to speak.

The door opens.

“What was that sound? Oh it’s just you two.” Cell, standing in the doorway with a smug grin plastered on her face, I can hear the heavy sarcasm in her voice. “I sure hope I’m not interrupting! Hah!”

In the morning I see Hydrogen heading out into the dessert on her own, I follow her for two reasons; To make sure she doesn’t get lost and to have someone to speak to. After following behind for a while, I soon trot up to her and say “Hi.”

“Oh, hey Crash.” She says, smiling warmly.

“What are you doing out in the desert?” I ask; I can’t hold back my curiosity.

“Oh, I’m on zone patrol, it’s my turn. You can help me if you like!” She starts to grin again.

I nod, pretending I understood what she just said, and follow her before curiosity gets the better of me again.

“What’s zone patrol?” I must sound so dumb.

“Oh, well I’m sure you wouldn’t know, since you were mind wiped and all…” She sit’s down beside a bunch of desert plants and motions for me to sit with her. “Zone patrol is when we, the killjoys, roam the zones to make sure there are no draculoids around, to make sure we’re safe. We normally take turns ‘cause it get’s boring after awhile, so I’m happy you’re here now, at least I know I won’t fall asleep!” She grins again.

“Ok thanks, I guess I’m still kinda new to this killjoy stuff since I lost my memory…”

We sit there for a few hours, discussing the life of a killjoy and how we survive in the desert. Then I notice something in the bushes.

“Come on Crash, we have to go back, it’s mid day and we don’t want to get scorched!”

“Yeah hold on, what’s this?” I say while motioning to a few berries in the bushes.

“I dunno, I’ve never seen them before, come on let’s go!”

“Wait!” I reach over and pick a few from the branches, taking one from the palm of my hand and throwing it into my mouth. “It tastes nice.” I say, giving one to Hydro.

“Did you just eat that? What it it’s poisonous!?” Her grin is gone, the looks shocked.

“Well I ate it and I’m not…” I stop, I can’t…

“Crash? Are you ok?” Her expression turns stern. “Stop messing around!”

I cough, and blood comes out, staining the clean soft sand, making it look rough and deadly. The coughing continues to become more and more violent until I’m writhing in pain on the ground, screaming and crying.

My vision goes white.

Escape from Battery CityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant